Welcome ladies!
The toy was, le jouet à trouver était : le jeu de l'école - school game
The town was, la ville était : SAINT CYR L'ECOLE dans le département des Yvelines 78
I haven't found a picture of a school game set 1960/1970, this one is a little bit older...
Clues : 78 on the tree stump, 78 sur la souche d'arbre.
The town name is St Cyr "l'école" = school, named cause the military famous school.
Arthur sword was a clue as new officer of the school
received this ceremonial sword.
Madam Mim's hat
The feathers on the student's hat :"shako" - casoar
are 10 white and 5 red.
Les plumes du shako, casoar porté par les étudiants sont au nombre de 10 blanches
et 5 rouges.
wiki :
The academy was founded in 1802 by Napoléon and moved in 1806 to the Maison Royale de Saint Louis in Saint Cyr l'Ecole west of Paris. During WW2 the cadets moved due to the German invasion. They eventually settled in 1945 in the Coetquidan military camp in Morbihan.
La promotion 2017/2020 s'appelle Général Fourcade. The class 2017/2020 is named General Fourcade.
As a young girl I planed to become a school teacher and received this popular "game" school set in the 60's (look strange to my grandkids those days to play school).
Small notebooks, slates and chalks, blotting paper, little pictures box, absence notes.
Mini cahiers, ardoises et craies, buvard, bon points et autres billets d'absence faisaient partie des boîtes du "jeu de l'école" populaire dans les années soixante.
I love to visit this blog "what are we playing" where you can find a lot of vintage supplies for school.
Le blog de
My oldest UFO is "Autum" with some charts about the school season.
Les Chroniques de Frimousse est un excellent blog où vous trouverez beaucoup de grilles gratuites notamment de joyeux lutins allant à l'école.
Les Chroniques de Frimousse is a great blog where you'll find a lot of free charts particularly elves going to school.
Cours préparatoire / 11 ème *1965-1966 - la traditionnelle photo de classe.
Second rank, fifth from the right!
Chez Zazobouzi, nous trouvons également un très joli kit sur le thème de l'école.
Zazobouzi (who made my dining set) also sells some lovely school kit.
See you on Wednesday, we're leaving the Yvelines to travel North with Cinderella.
Mercredi prochain Cendrillon nous guide pour rejoindre la région des Hauts de France.
DH got no chance to get Excalibur in Disney park.
Pas d'épee pour Mr Knight.
Due to holiday and family celebrations I'm late to this but I did start at clue 1 and read each ... to come up with a collection of words: Arthur, Excalibur, feathered hat ... but no town :-( I will update my passport and start from SAINT CYR L'ECOLE in Yvelines 78 on Wednesday, ready for a trip north ;-)
RépondreSupprimerI love the photos and all the extra information, merci bien
I have never seen a school game set, but my children did have a post office set to play with.
RépondreSupprimerWhat a great school set to have as a child and feel like a teacher. Interesting information and love your school photo.
RépondreSupprimerWell, I got close to guessing the game! We used to play schools a lot as children although we never had an actual game or set of equipment like that. We taught our little brother to read when he was 3 and he was quite disappointed when he started real school and discovered it was not like the school my sister and I ran. "All they want to do is play" he said, quite disgusted!
RépondreSupprimerps I love the old school photo of Little Jocondine.
RépondreSupprimerI came late to the game, and don't know if you would have guessed anything right - but it's sure fun to read and learn things along the way!