mercredi 15 mai 2024


It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Lady with the unicorn was a kit given by DD3 for Christmas 2023
Only a few more stitches in light blue,
but all stitches count, right?

May is my birthday month and I have been spoiled by friends

A big surprise came from Japan...

I'll feel close to Toki sharing that wonderful Fujiyama

Virginie and Soline have sent such great gifts too
this lovely wind mill

Mon nouveau sac d'ouvrage colorisé et personnalisé par Soline

Soline put colors on this lovely bag and
named it "the little crafts from Jocondine"

When DD2 visited us she told me she had kept
from her past trip to England
a nice stitching from Textile Heritage

Maybe it waited for my bithday bell to ring!

No need to tell you that it will probably be my next "small"

Un petit souvenir rapporté de Londres par DD2 qui attendait que sonne l'heure de mon anniversaire...
sur Big Ben

During our holidays in Changé we spent a day with my aunt and uncle
in Malicorne sur Sarthe for a big exhibition of embroidery
DH aunt bought some tombola tickets and...
she won a brooch she gave to me

All the prices were made by craftperson of the year
this one is made using the "Beauvais stitch"

Dominique avait acheté des billets de tombola lors de notre visite
à Malicorne sur Sarthe pour les JEMA et la chance lui a fait gagner
cette superbe broche réalisée par une meilleure ouvrière
au point de Beauvais. M'en voici l'heureuse bénéficiaire !

Remember last month birthday card for Pierre   one year old
here he is...

Crochet : I'm back with a new project for Capucine
A summer dress made with crocheted squares

I bought five balls in April and started making squares
now I know that I can crocheted seven/eight squares
with a ball, not sure it'll be enough for the dress and
going back to the store I only get one more ball.

So after seeing Capucine and checked the mesurements
I'm planning to crochet a top and see if I can make a skirt
and assemble them together with another wool or only make a long top.

Et voici Capucine, l'acrobate après une chute en grimpant à un arbre?  Entorse plâtrée !
And here's Capucine, the acrobat who fell while climbing a tree?
Sprain in plaster!

I have now a total of 28 squares which means I've got
4 ranks of 7 for the skirt part of the dress maybe only
3 ranks of 8 if it needs to be larger

Another fitting session with my top model soon!

Pour réfléchir au montage des carrés crochetés pour la robe
de Capucine une nouvelle séance d'essayage s'impose donc
en fonction de la largeur désirée je réaliserai des rangs
de sept à huit carrés.

5 commentaires:

  1. Happy Birthday, I didn't know it was in May. You received some lovely gifts. I hope Capucine gets better soon. Enjoy uour crochet

  2. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Nice to see that you received gifts as well as sending them! Poor little Capucine with her leg in plaster. Will her friends all sign the plaster cast?

  3. It's always a joy to visit your blog, so many pretty things to feast the eyes on! I hope you had a wonderful trip and can't wait to see your Big Ben small! (When we visited London when our son Ben was small, he thought Big Ben was named for him! LOL) I hope Capucine heals quickly! I love all your stitching!

  4. Happy birthday! How lovely that so many people thought of you and sent you gifts.
    I think the top and skirt will be very cute, maybe even cuter than a dress!

  5. Pretty stitching and crochet work. Thoughtful gifts received. Happy late birthday wishes.
