lundi 17 juin 2024


This is a fun/serious project inspired by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching.

Summer solstice day is near to June 20th so she used have her Marathon Day close to it. I have to adjust my own schedule with DH visiting his Mum and two afternoons will give me a free day!

Le solstice d'été approchant est toujours l'annonce d'une journée de broderie marathon mais dû au planning familial je vais plutôt organiser deux après-midi. Jeudi dernier, j'ai donc ressorti du panier à ouvrages les deux points de croix de chez Cuore e Batticuore délaissés à quelques mètres de la ligne d'arrivée ainsi que la Parisienne de Soizic des Jardins de Nana, grille avec laquelle je bataille après avoir fait presque toutes les croix le reste est au point de tige.

Last Thursday I took off the basket three old WIP and my unicorn to work on.

The two Cuore e Batticuore started in the 20s so close to be finished were :

A hammock for two

The arrow was missing on the tree trunk and only a few stitches on the red hat.

and the :  Knitting in quilt

Apparently I haven't done some white dots on the black sheep and the thread of the tea bag

There is a bow above the little house but I won't stitch it as I don't like it.

I'll have to check again but it looks I've got two finishes.

Then some progress on the Lady with the unicorn

First day

Second day 

The fourth pattern that came on to the surface of my WIP ocean...

was the Femme de Paris II    started in 2020

2nd day


I do love the design, but after making almost all the cross stitch there is a lot of stem stitch on the dress, for the hat and the candelabra.

The pattern says one thread in black DMC 310 with looks stupid to me especially for the hat which is a big part. So I'll stitch with 2 threads.

I'm struggling to get the right place to stitch it counting the ranks of threads of the fabric. So I'll follow the pattern the closer I can but no more headache and if I want to finish it there is no other solution than make it my own way.

As I thought my progress were good enough, I had fun with a new start.

A small cross stitch about the wedding of my cousin with an attempt to adapt the pattern that Clare is kindly sharing with me.

End of the marathon, I'm happy with my day!

It's time to go back to real life as an astronaut returning to the Earth.

Sans reprendre les détails susnommés... ma journée marathon se termine. Je suis contente du résultat.

1 commentaire:

  1. Oh, you did wonderful, getting two finishes there, and they are both so cute! I especially love the hammock one.
