dimanche 15 septembre 2024



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

It was DD3 birthday on September the 8th and I made a new card
for her : the honey pot card.

Un petit pot sucré pour l'anniversaire d'une amatrice de miel...

One more handbag birthday card which has crossed the Channel

Une nouvelle version de mon sac à main anniversaire et quelques progrès sur ma broderie sur papier perforé.

Some progress on perforated paper "the Spirit of Christmas Carols" - a gift from DD3

For my cousins Frédérique and Nathalie. They have now received it, liked it and might sew the cross stitch on a cushion.

Un petit cadeau souvenir pour nos cousines à l'occasion de leur mariage et parlant de mariage...  A l'annonce de celui d'une ancienne collègue de JB, j'ai du trouver un modèle à réaliser illico presto avant notre départ pour l'est pour pouvoir la poster pendant nos vacances. Sur un carton noir, une silhouette de robe de mariée agrémenter d'un voile et d'une ceinture en dentelle qui s'ouvre sur un haut de costume de marié.

One day before living to Alsace, a former colleague to DH told us she will got married on Septembre 14th. Hurry up no time to loose if I had to make a wedding card and bring it in holidays.

I was thinking of a new crochet WIP and I had these two balls of blue wool which were given to me years ago.

Not enough for a snood so I decided to try mittens!

First time I learned "crochet ribbing", good start for the wrist then just follow the size of my hands!

Enfin, comme je viens d'apprendre à crocheter des côtes parfaite occasion pour tester les mitaines et utiliser des pelotes gris bleuté de chez Phildar offertes il y a quelques années.

5 commentaires:

  1. A super collection of a variety of gifts, you're very clever with your craft

  2. It's always a feast for the eyes to visit your blog. Your cards are always so perfect and fun! Lovely crocheting on your mittens, they came out perfectly! Your cross stitching is lovely too! Your family and friends must truly enjoy the gifts you send them. Happy creating!

  3. Wow you have been super bust with cards, and your mits look grand

  4. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, especially with my Birthday card! I love all the different cards you've been making. The honeypot is wonderful.
    I also like fingerless gloves and wrist warmers. I wear them all the time in the wintery months.

  5. I LOVE your cards but these mittens also look very intriguing!
