Le jouet à trouver était : la poupée
La ville était : dans le département du Haut-Rhin 68
The toy was : the doll
The town was COLMAR chosen for its toys museum I discovered during summer holidays in 2012.
Clues : 68 in the dog, the plangonologist collects dolls. Dolls can be made off (among other materials) wax, china,
Many toys shown in this lovely museum.
No doll at home when I was little, but I remember the monthly article on Mum knitting/sewing magazine "Modes et Travaux", they were showing dolls and patterns.
I even found a blog on them :
Have you some kind of similar memory?
I got a baby celluloid named Pascal.
He had a big wardrobe made by Mum.
I was very proud of him. Then Magali joined the family when I was about 10.
The whole family with Sylvette
and Bichon (the bear).
I also had a model doll (no pic) a gift from the owner of the wool shop my mum worked for
In the 80's fabric dolls were popular, I made one for my sister.
On the wish list, you could find TILDA of course,
some cute crocheted dolls
and painted/sewed dolls on fabric or paper.
Now I like to "wear" them too, nice necklaces from Nacr'attitude bought in our DIY fair
Joining them an old work of beads.
Already bought in the same fair this kit from Zazobouzi waiting for 2020 : VIOLETTE and FELIX.
Third post of this Sunday!
"Summer Postcard Blog Hop"
"Wipocalypse 08/19"
"Etape/Step 12 - 4/4"
Congrats from BUZZ!
Vers l'infini et au-delà !
To infinity and beyond!
Oh cool!! I'm finally able to catch up again, this is such a fun space. There's a museum with a lot of dolls here and after a while it starts to get a little eerie.