It's the 10th of this month and Rachel from "Ten Hour Stitcher" welcome us and our Fully Finished achievements.
Please visit her blog and see all the finished projects of our stitching friends.
I'm making a seashore display in felt for Soline (my goddaughter's daughter).
I was planning to make a palmtree without a real pattern or tuto and I'm very happy with the result, exactly what I was expecting. The trunk is an inside roll of a paper towel roll filled and stiffened with old spools, covered with a brown felt folted rectangle. Six leaves have been cut in green felt, half have been folded and sewed around a metallic rod, the other half are flat with a rib in the middle (green wool around a rod sewed under the fabric). It keeps a natural effect and no risk for the kid to touch a metallic piece).
The trunk is made from rolled up cardboard filled with old spools. Brown felt wrapped around with felted wool for a nice finish close to the fibrous palmtree trunk.
Petit reportage sur la confection du palmier, six feuilles de feutrine verte pliées ou plates cousues autour d'une tige métallique enroulée de laine et fixée discrètement dessous.
Tronc confectionné autour d'un tube de carton rempli de vieilles bobines pour le rigidifier entouré d'une bande feutrine avec de la laine feutrée insérée pour imiter la fibre.
Two coconuts in felted wool, I didn't managed to roll them in balls (with hot water and soap I already made before, sometimes it's not so easy -for me- to make something well twice!). So I finally wrapped the balls with thread and that's ok.
I don't know yet where I'll put it on the shore but just in case I have sewed a press button at the bottom maybe to help it to stand up straight (as much of the items have to be movable to play with and to get into a package.
I LOVE how it looks!
Les noix de coco sont faites en laine feutrée mise en boule entourée de fils, je n'ai pas réussi à refaire le procédé de feutrage à l'eau et au savon.
Now it's fishes on the menu :
I planned to make different species and the fully finished are : ray and sole, octopus as mollusk, a sword-fish and Flounder (= bolster in French).
Pour les poissons : raie, pieuvre, espadon, sole et Polochon

This FFG SAL will probably most often be a Felt Fully Finished Gallery as I'm afraid my unframed but finished cross stitching box is waiting for better days.
But I finished a bib for a baby yesterday!
I hope I'll be able to show some sewing too this year!
Beaucoup de feutrine, car mes broderies finies attendent leurs cadres pendant un certain temps mais ce mois-ci une exception, ce petit bavoir préparé pour un bébé à naître mi-avril. J'espère néanmoins vous présenter de la couture un jour prochain.
Great finishes! You are very creative.
RépondreSupprimerHello Jocondine.
RépondreSupprimerI am commenting for the first time. I'm Toki.
I like your work. The idea is so great.
I look forward to your work.
These are wonderful! I do admire your creativity. The little fish are all so sweet.
RépondreSupprimerSerendipitous Jo
Wow, such fantastic finishes! I especially love the palm tree and octopus.