On November the 14th, the Moon was full, appearing largest and brightest since 1948, but not in the sky here... we only observed the closeness of Wipocalypse and Gifted Gorgeousness,
kind of stitching eclipse
Some progress on two charts bought as gifts for me
Christmas tree "Avvolgente Natale" - Serenita di campagna -

I added star and lighted the
candles with 3855
Autumn Gold DMC
le tour des flammes
et de l'étoile sont
brodés en DMC3855
good progress on Brin d'un jour, Marché de Noël
mon petit nounours est maintenant bien installé dans son stand,
sur coquelicot (chart from a magazine offered by Sheryl)
some new works,
but too late theme for last Christmas,
I remembered this free from
Brooke's Books
"offered" on many blogs
En thème de Noël l'an passé
j'aimais bien les motifs autour
des patins à glace donc
j'ai repéré ce dessin gratuit
de chez Brooke's Books
n° 1 du calendrier de l'avent
des animaux
two charts from my "Encyclopédie du point de croix" des idées de Marianne,
one for Christmas tag,
un petit Père Noël pour mes étiquettes
Another chart is those two angels I begun for an ornament gift for Christmas
to the sisters of Benedictine Abbaye from Bayeux where we rented a room in Normandy.
During this trip in Calvados, I visited a little shop in Courseulles sur Mer
"Sew this, stitch that", a link to the blog
Découverte du magasin "Couds ceci, brode cela" à Courseulles/Mer
here is the chart I bought
but the fabric is a little bit darker than the linen of the pic
threads recommended are Atalie
on the photo, red, green and the dress of the deer
look variated colors
but converting DMC are not
I'm afraid colors will be a little insipid
like 3790 for the deer
I already bought a 4140 for a test
and I am thinking of choosing a green 4045
I feel a little disappointed cause this shopping was supposed to be a simple "ready to stitch" and protect me from my too frequent propensity to change the colors to use stash or ajust the chart.
I will have to make some testings to adapt threads to the fabric.
Pour finir sur une note joyeuse, voici les charms
que j'ai reçu en cadeau de Jo, suite au GG post
This is the lovely assortment of charms offered by Jo
won in the Gifted Gorgeousness August post.
How charming!
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