vendredi 29 septembre 2023


 I'm at home but back in Albi on the blog as I want to share more great places we visited.

The French navigator  J-F de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse is born near Albi, so there is a small museum in the town and you know I love all about maps, boats models and explorer stories.

There is also a tribute to James Cook

Visite du musée de Lapérouse, maquettes, cartes de navigation, instruments, peintures et détails de ses explorations

Dans un tout autre genre quelques photos de notre visite
aux jardins des Martels, une jolie promenade parmi les fleurs

Another lovely visit among ponds and flowers
in the gardens of Martels

dimanche 24 septembre 2023



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

On FB or

September will end with a light "score". We had some nice holidays as you can see in the previous posts and two more articles to come.

I only brought some wool to do crochet. We visited great places and I took pictures. Some shopping, a piece of fabric, nice papers, ink and blue pastels, it is the land where the plants are grow "Isatis Tinctoria".

Point de croix / Cross stitching

I'm working on the tail of my unicorn.

Couture  / Sewing

Ma petite pochette de voyage déjà montrée sur le blog

Tricot-crochet  /  Knitting

I have reached 29 hexagons this month, here they are.

Just remember the project was about squares, then move to hexagons as DD3 would like this kind of pullover!

Mon total d'hexagones crochetés a atteint 29, rappel du projet final pour DD3 qui, de carrés assemblés s'est transformé en hexagones pour ce modèle de pullover repéré par ma fille. 

Felt  / Feutrine

The kawaii garland for DD3, I have add the three lines on the grey felt (I have seen it on the net, looking like a lamp screw) and I love the finishing touch.

Montage de ma guirlande de lampes kawaii en feutrine pour Eve-Amélie. J'ai ajouté les trois petites lignes en coton perlé sur la partie grise pour simuler le pas de vis de la lampe.

Gardening  /  Jardinage

Some new friends in the garden, we visited a nice garden near Albi and bought two plants (lot of aches and pains after only two hours of weeding).

Courbatures au menu pour seulement deux heures de jardinage et l'accueil de deux nouvelles plantes achetées aux jardins de Martel à Giroussens dans le Tarn.

Cooking  /  Cuisine

Notre petit tour à Albi m'a donné envie de gaspacho tomates-poivron !

Still delicious tomatoes in the garden so it is time for gazpacho!
Tomatoes, red bell pepper, diced cucumber and mozzarella.

Topic of the month: Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?

Not really a seasonal stitcher except for the Christmas season which begins in October! Now that I'm retired, I follow my wishes but family and friends birthdays can give the tempo at least for home made cards. Fortunately for me they are spread throughout the year.

vendredi 22 septembre 2023


Au programme une ballade en gabare sur le Tarn et la visite des jardins du Palais de la Berbie.

Another nice way to see the town, sailing on the Tarn river in Albi and then after a good lunch visit the gardens of the Palais de la Berbie.

Promenade sous les tonnelles des jardins du Palais de la Berbie

Encore une bonne table à conseiller :  "La Fourchette adroite"
Le menu du jour : riz au thon sur velouté de betterave et radis, lieu aux petits légumes et tiramisu au café et tout cela pour 16,50 euros !

jeudi 21 septembre 2023


 Le Tarn et les départements alentours nous ont offert tant de beaux sites durant ces congés que je vais encore pendant quelques jours les partager avec vous.

The Tarn and surrounding departments have offered us so many beautiful sites over the vacations that I'm going to share them with you for a few more days.

About the painter Toulouse Lautrec, we have visited the château du Bosc where his grand parents were living. Due to a complicated heritage, the couple who own it now doesn't open a lot of rooms and they have lost a lot of visitors after the Covid. No inside pictures allowed.

But the volunteer guide was nice and interesting.

We also went to the Museum in Albi to see drawings and paintings

Nous n'avons pas manqué de visiter le musée Toulouse Lautrec
à Albi ainsi que la demeure de ses grands parents le château du Bosc

Thanks to the European Heritage Days (09/16-17)
the Albi Carnaval workshops were open to the public
From the models to the carnival floats
so funny to visit

A l'occasion des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine
nous avons eu le plaisir de visiter les ateliers du Carnaval d'Albi
très plaisants de voir de près le travail des bénévoles
de la création des maquettes jusqu'à la réalisation finale des chars.