samedi 31 octobre 2020


 Welcome to the "Halloween Blog Hop" organized by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching.

Now it's time to ride your broom and visit friends

No Halloween stitching to show this year, but some witches...

helping me to make a board game for the two youngest girls of the family, Capucine and Soline, I'm making the home-made version of a game my daughters loved to play called "the postman". 

I have started by making the mail. Small envelopes, packages, newpapers, magazines, funny names on funny road names with numbers from 1 to 12.

I thought it would be fun to have some Halloween envelops
and it's a good timing to show them for the Trick or Treat Blog Hop.

But you're waiting for a letter, so you've got mail...

I see, I see...  the next blog to visit...    it is...

Then when your Halloween phrase will be completed you'll have to fly back to Jo's blog hop post for your comment!

Joyeux Halloween et Bon appétit !

Kind of Bats French Cancan dance!

dimanche 25 octobre 2020



WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's musings, everyone shows the projects we want to finish before the end of the world.

The place where she welcome us for this monthly show is here :

I know now that 20 in 20" was totally crazy  well here is my unrealistic list ; 
Choisir le 20 en 2020 était (je le sais maintenant) totalement irréaliste, quoiqu'il en soit voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields) -  2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird -  4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game  -  5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons  -  7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set   - FINISHED  -  9/  Feutrine
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats  -  12/ La parisienne - The Parisian  -  13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds  -  15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball  -  17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls   FINISHED -  19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric  -  20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

9 / Feutrine - Felt
I'm starting Christmas - winter projects in felt so here are some flowers and litlle trees.
White felt and small pearls between each circle and felt blue and white roses for the winter wreath I'm making for DD1.

La saison de bricolages de Noël est lancée avec la confection de roses en feutrine blanche et bleue et de mini sapin en petits cercles décroissant pour une future couronne "hiver" pour L-E.

16 / Boule à neige - snowball

The end of the sand stitch on the "ground" and some new gold and silver stars in the "sky".

Le sol est couvert de point de sable blanc et le ciel se remplit doucement d'étoiles d'or et d'argent.

17 / Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls

All the beads have been placed

and a shiny fabric skirt cut and sewed
under the crochet dress

I have to add a ribbon to close the top
and maybe a big bow to hide the lower back
(I don't like the finish but maybe it's a little fussy).

Toutes les perles sont posées, un jupon en tissu
brillant a été ajouté. Il me reste à finir la fermeture
du dos et peut-être de cacher le bas du dos que je
trouve raté avec un noeud.

A new scarf for Violette for the autumn season.
Violette va apprécier cette écharpe de saison !

Topic for the month : How do you choose what you’re going to stitch on next?

It can be a choice in my patterns books with a precise goal (a gift, a card...) or a "coup de foudre" for a new pattern of a favorite designer. Can be a seasonal choice too for Christmas or for one of Jo's Blog Hop. 

vendredi 16 octobre 2020


Is it already October 15th, can't believe it, the bad news is time flies too fast, the good news, it's time for update Gifted Gorgeousness post!

Please visit Jo's blog here :

Everything about this SAL is explained, every month we meet on line in Jo's blog to share our progress on stitchings, sewing, all DIY made as a gift or made with the help of a gift.

Let's see if I have been successful... but first let me tell you a little story :

When I was a little girl I was always happy to receive those lovely stitched cards with traditional costumes from French provinces.  They probably won't make them in the future (they mostly are made in Spain).

But I felt great to send some "gift postcards" to Capucine and Soline from Normandy, here is a selection. Do you have those cards in your country?

Back to the alphabet for my grandchildren...   three more letters...

to have a complete alphabet now. Started in March 2020

very useful during the confinement
for many letters games

(h and s are cut on the pics but
they do exist!)

Voici mon alphabet terminé
belle satisfaction !

Last winter, I found some nice diy wool Christmas wreaths ideas on the net, I have cut cardboards and begun to wrap wool around them and put them back in the basket.

I'm thinking of reorienting them to winter wreaths for DD1 and DD3.

I bought two lovely polar bears for DD1 and kids as winter theme, it will be white and ice blue colors for an ice floe landscape. I know my daughter loved words made with "tricotin" - French knitter  so I made "winter" = hiver.

I will make a cardboard and polystyrene kind of shelf

Mes ébauches de couronnes décoratives pour les fêtes de l'an dernier
sont actuellement reformatées pour devenir des décos hivernales
thème polaire pour L-E et thème Japon pour E-A.
Donc confection de mots en tricotin, de pompons, addition de branchage,
création de décors (banquise en polystyrène et Mont Fuji en carton) etc

It would look approximately like that...

The second wreath has to be a "winter in Japan" theme to please DD3 with purple colors.

A snowy Mont Fuji and some Japanese decorations.

Some progress on doll's equipment, I have tested the hammock last Sunday "visiting" Violette and the lenght is good, now I can close it on a wood stick and add a fixing system with a ring.

Finition des fixations du hamac par la pose de batonnets pour rigidifier et d'un anneau d'accrochage de chaque côté.

Have a nice day... stiching!       Bonne journée, à vos aiguilles !

lundi 12 octobre 2020


I love fabric, can't resist to buy some in DIY fair or shops for one "I don't know yet"  project and I'm so happy when the idea of something I need, easy to make matches with the right design in my boxes full of fabric.

My audio headset needed a bag to travel... here is the perfect cloth coupon.

Un projet utile, un joli tissu parfait pour sa réalisation, voilà de quoi ravir une couturière !
Mon casque avait besoin d'un petit sac de transport, l'occasion de chercher dans mon stock et d'y dénicher le motif adéquat !

fleece lined with a small pocket for the cable
doublé de polaire, une petite poche pour le fil du chargeur

une fermeture éclair et un pompon gland pour une belle finition
a zipper and a tassel pompom for a nice finish

Deux jolis charms : une valise pour Londres et Big Ben

J'aime les livres et leurs accessoires et ai toujours trouvé les lutrins très décoratifs
mais pas de place chez moi pour un modèle en bois sculpté !

I love books and their accessories and have always found lecterns to be very decorative.
but no room at home for a carved wooden model!

But I have seen in famous libraries or museum some made with fabric and leather.
mais j'avais vu des présentations en tissu et cuir dans des bibliothèques

C'était donc le moment de sortir ce superbe tissu qui attendait son heure de gloire !
So it was the good time to take out this superb fabric which was waiting for its hour of glory!

Un simple "coussin" plat de forme rectangulaire, piqué en son milieu, que l'on roule tout simplement sur ses bords pour adopter la forme souhaitée de support pour le livre.

A simple flat "cushion" of rectangular shape, sewed in the middle, which is simply rolled on its edges to adopt the desired shape of support for the book.

A litlle bookmark will be useful too! Enjoy reading!
Un petit marque-page sera bien utile également ! Bonne lecture !