samedi 29 février 2020


Extra day for a Febryary WIPocalypse updating!

All about Wipocalypse is explained here by Melissa :

My program for 2020 can be found here :

Here is my "20 in 20" list ; voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields) -  2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird -  4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game  -  5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons  -  7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set   - FINISHED  -  9/  Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats  -  12/ La parisienne - The Parisian  -  13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds  -  15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball  -  17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls  -  19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric  -  20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

10 - lotto with new penguins already shown for the You Choose post
12 / 16 / 18 / 19

Retour au point de croix, un joli lin mauve pâle pour ce modèle de chez "Les jardins de Nana" mon n° 12, back to cross stitching with n° 12

Martine semble faire du hula hoop, elle m'accompagne et veille sur le DMC 310 pendant que je brode la jupe de ma parisienne.

Martine looks like she is doing hula hoop but she keeps my black thread ok!

Autre projet en cours le n° 16 "Boule à neige"
The n° 16 is the snowball,  one of the four Christmas patterns

Violette et sa garde-robe  n° 18, la blouse et la cape sont terminées, beaucoup de travail de finition et des ourlets invisibles.

The cape and the shirt are finished, a lot of hand sewing for a nice finish and invisible hems.
Can't show you Violette's fittings cause she already left home, Capucine took her during a visit, she loves her new doll.

Les yoyos coeur/hearts du n° 19

 The February heart themed birthday cards!

Measi gives us a topic :

In honor of "Leap Year", tell the story of a time you had to make some sort of a "leap" in stitching - taking the chance on a new style of stitching, attending a meetup or class, etc.

I have loved embroidery since I was 12 years old discovering chain point in school, I tried a lot of points, made for example a Richelieu place mat, but one of the project that impressed me was the Bayeux technique.

Visiting a big fair in Paris, there was a Bayeux Broderie stall where I bought a kit. Something new with wool, very particular technique, historical link.

We have visited some years ago the museum in Bayeux to see the amazing tapestry.

I hope I'll be able to do it again with a new kit or a small project.

Don't forget if you're in France to bought the only newpaper printed on every February 29th "La bougie du sapeur"  n° 11 in 2020.

Une parution tous les quatre ans pour la bougie du sapeur depuis 1980.

samedi 15 février 2020


Busy February with the Secret Stitching Sweetheart yesterday and now the Gifted Gorgeousness, those two events are hosted by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, all is explained here :

On the 15th of each month, it's time to show our progress on gifts we are making or using supplies we received as gifts...

Voilà ma dernière pièce de la dînette de chez Zazobouzi terminée, il s'agit d'un sucrier !

J'ai donné au fur et à mesure à Capucine ses éléments de vaisselle donc pas de photo d'ensemble, peut-être plus tard si ma fille a un jour l'occasion d'une présentation complète.

My set is complete with this last piece the sugar bowl,
can't show you an overview picture as I have given progressively
as soon as they were finished : pichet, cutlery, cups and plates

My home made make-up removers were successful
so I'm making more for DD1 with some fabrics for Capucine too

I have bought some white bamboo sponge in last DIY fair, so I have a new order from DD2 and DD3!

I'm making the clothes for Violette with my sewing machine but there is a lot of handwork too, so many threads to stop properly.

Some of my purchases in the last DIY fair, another Violette kit for a second doll to give to Soline,
two new fabric coupons with unicorn and Paris designs

Yesterday post was about "The secret stitching sweetheart", 
some more details about my new hobby : "yo-yo"
I bought in Paris a Clover Heart Yo-yo maker

From a 7 cm shape you got a 3,5 cm small fabric heart
Easy to do too with a simple cardboard shape

I sent this birthday card last Friday and its recipient loved it a lot,
I have a second one to make for my goddaughter for next 21th February

Lovely flowers I got yesterday from my Valentin...

vendredi 14 février 2020


It's Valentine's Day and Jo is hosting a great blog hop!

She has sent everyone participating a photo to show on the blog and we are all visiting stitchers to find who get our Valentine picture.

Who is my Secret Stitching Sweetheart?

This is the stitching I received... nice colors and lovely display!

But you is behind this secret stitcher?

Un grand plaisir de participer pour ma sixième année au "Secret Stitching Sweetheart" organisé par Jo pour la St Valentin.

Une petite visite chez Jo où vous retrouverez la liste complète des participants :

Have a fun day hopping from blog to blog, good search!

Joyeuse Saint-Valentin !

samedi 1 février 2020


It's February 1st already and it's a Saturday... time to update "the People Choice" SAL from Jo,

This month I have regained the fun of the Alphabet Club SAL, how begin a post with a rather poor list of works to show and then remembering old realisations, making new one for this event, ending with a nice article to post!

Quel plaisir de s'amuser à construire cet article autour d'un thème au prime abord peu inspirant mais qui se révélera plus prolixe que prévu avec quelques trouvailles parmi d'anciens travaux.

Je vous invite à prendre de la hauteur de cette montgolfière pour survoler mes projets "Arcticulés" autour de ce thème des pingouins.

Nice hot air balloon for an overview of my projects for this penguin themarctic.

Tissu pingouin pour un motif d'une plaque de loto.

For my lotto games, nice choice of penguins for the winter theme

Back to a book I sewed some years ago about colors... black as a penguin

I found a penguin carboard in a set of animal by Paper my stash waiting for his moment of glory

he will be part of a Christmas card so I have stitched a tree.

Restons dans le travail du papier, celui-ci est une variation du coeur tressé que j'aime faire, plus généralement en feutrine.
J'ai découvert une version animaux qui me plait bien, la voici :

I love to make those braided hearts in paper or in felt and I have seen this animal look I never tested, perfect for this post.

Another funny paper work I found on You Tube, so I couldn't resist to make two for Timothé and Capucine.

In my old puppets map is a little penguin ready to get on board for Terre Adélie

Nice trip with a Scottish bagpiper

Dans la série de marionnettes de la famille, nous avons cette maman (ou papa) et son bébé.
We have chosen this penguin family for some puppet gift to my granddaughter.

All the members of our family are big fan of Pingu so I let him say goodbye.

Le dessin animé Pingu est très apprécié dans notre famille, petits et grands aimant beaucoup ce petit pingouin facétieux et sa famille. C'est donc à lui que revient la tâche de vous dire au revoir avec cette scènette de travaux manuels.

See you next month for a good cup of coffee!
On se revoit le premier samedi de mars pour une bonne tasse de café !