dimanche 5 janvier 2020


Welcome to the Wipocalypse introduction! 
Bienvenue à la présentation du programme du Wipocalypse pour l'année 2020 !

Each month we have to share the projects we want to complete before the End Of The World.  Measi always gives us a topic to discuss too.

January - Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year

So many DIY   to do, 
I love fabric, wool, threads, paper, ink, beads, watercolor...

sewing, stitching, scrapbooking, knitting, crochet...

and cooking, gardening, writing, playing with the great children of course!

photographing, painting, drawing, reading,

all done with a warm cup of tea and music!      after some  warm-up   (for the olympic games)!

I have joined the Wipocalypse sometimes in 2015-2016-2017
then in 2019 with a "19 in 19"   taking example on clever stitching friends.
It was great so I'm still following this way for this new year  "20 in 20".

J'ai participé occasionnellement depuis 2015 au Wipocalypse organisé par Measi's Musing.
J'affiche de grandes ambitions pour 2020 en espérant pouvoir écrire chaque mois y compris à l'occasion des jeux olympiques de Tokyo avec un programme de "20 en 20" !

I hope that I'll be able for 2020 to post every month, this year is an olympic year, I will use the same way I posted for Rio games during the summer and visite Tokyo with my needles (and a shoehorn!).


Here is my list ; voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields)
2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird
4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game
5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons
7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set
9/  Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats
12/ La parisienne - The Parisian
13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds
15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball
17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls
19/ Coeurs en tissu - hearts in fabric
20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

10 old WIP -cross stitching and sewing / 10 new projects

    avec l'aide d'une petite fée et de sa baguette magique, parole de Jocondine, 2020 sera bien occupée

with the help of a fairy and her magic wand, no doubt 2020 will be busy

See you at the end of this month, last Sunday for our first review.

Retrouvons-nous le dernier dimanche de janvier pour un premier bilan.

5 commentaires:

  1. Good luck with your plans for 2020

  2. Your blog made me smile .... so cute
    Good luck with your projects

  3. Great post and lovely to see your goals for the year too!
    I love all the Playmobil characters you used too.

  4. I love all your projects and interests. I, too, am someone who is never bored because there's always something fun to do like stitching, cooking, gardening. I'll even knit and crochet on occasion. I look forward to seeing your progress in 2020.

  5. You have plenty of fun stuff planned, good for you! I love the Playmobil photos, we still have all the boys treasures.
