dimanche 29 mars 2020


All about Wipocalypse is explained here by Melissa :


My program for 2020 can be found here :


Here is my "20 in 20" list ; voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields) -  2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird -  4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game  -  5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons  -  7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set   - FINISHED  -  9/  Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats  -  12/ La parisienne - The Parisian  -  13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds  -  15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball  -  17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls  -  19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric  -  20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

Especially focused on new projects for my March Wipocalypse

12 - La parisienne -

last month
March update

16 - Snowball

Some progress on the tree,  I stitched some parts of the holly bouquet, "Joyeux Noël" and I'm a bit surprised cause the instructions asked for a chain stitch with ecru overjeté. The one I made is so small to be ok with the pattern's scale,  I have no idea how I will manage this and be able to put an ecru thread over the dark red one.

17 - J'avais très envie de reprendre la confection de vêtements pour des poupées mannequin, mon stock de tissus doit être revu à la baisse et les tutos proposés sur le net devraient me permettre de réaliser des robes avec des coupes faciles à accessoiriser grâce à des rubans, fleurs, perles...

Un patron de base pour couper les jupes de robes de soirée avec bustier pour quelques tissus fleuris.

 I wanted to start making clothes for model dolls again, my stock of fabrics has to be reduced and the tutos offered on the net should allow me to make dresses with cuts easy to accessorize with ribbons, flowers, beads ...

A basic pattern to cut the skirts for evening dresses with bustier.

J'ai déjà commencé une série de ponchos à tricoter et crocheter sur la base d'un rectangle assemblé puis compléter d'un col, quelques jolies franges en finition.

Le modèle de ce mois-ci est dans l'esprit de Noël, du rouge associé avec de la laine Bubble qui apporte une belle brillance et un effet blanc neige;

I have already started a series of ponchos knitting and crochet on the basis of an assembled rectangle then completed with a collar, some pretty fringes in finishing.

This month's pattern is in the Christmas spirit, red combined with Bubble wool which brings a nice shine and a snow white effect;

A funny TV evening on last Wednesday with DD2  great fan of Top Chef and then I linked my work to the show and made two chef top cooking hats, we had Top Chef Bingo game I didn't won but next week I already plan making some aprons.

18 - Félix et Violette n°2 -  Découpe des silhouettes et de la literie

I have cut Félix, his scarf, bag, pillow and duvet and Violette n°2,

La garde-robe de Félix.

Voici la couette et son oreiller, le sac à dos et l'écharpe.

Topic for the month : Have you ever adopted a piece from someone else or gave up a piece to someone else? Which piece and why?

I don't remember gave up a piece to someone else, no friends or close family sharing diy only my mum stitched (cross stitch) when she retired. We shared knitting sometimes for DH, wool jacket once because it was a big piece. But as we don't knit the same way (I was teached by my grandmother), if I knitted a rank after her you'll see it.

I think my sister gave me years ago some wool with a short started project, it's somewhere probably in the attic (will be part of my "organizing my stash").

Back to my needles...  Stay safe at home.

vendredi 27 mars 2020


Un dimanche de février à Beauval, le parc s'enrichit chaque saison de nouvelles installations et de grandes transformations ont été réalisées ces derniers mois. Il est temps de partager avec vous quelques photos prises à cette occasion.

Last month we spent a day visiting Beauval Zoo, it's about 100 km from home and since our first visit when it was only a ornythological park, it has changed a lot. Each year, new installations or animals to bring in more people to the event.

We got some cheap tickets to use before the end of February so we spent the Sunday 02/16 with DD2.

Too many animals to see for one day visit so we begun with cheetahs place (the last visit they were all taking a nap).

Lucky day, the otters were outside (it's my favorite animal not often see them).
Les loutres ne sont pas toujours faciles à apercevoir, cette fois-ci nous fûmes chanceux elles ont quitté leur catiche !

Birds spectacle which is fabulous was closed because it's winter time but there were the new equatorial dome and the cable car to discover.

There are some cabins with a glass floor and we were lucky to get 2 on 3 rides with it.

J'ai adoré le télécabine, le survol du parc
est très amusant
surtout quand vous pouvez bénéficier
d'une cabine avec un plancher transparent

Le bassin des hypopotames  /  hypopotamus place

Big new pools for giant otters / manatees and arapaimas / crocodiles

We also visited all the birds, girafes, lions, koalas, pandas...

dimanche 22 mars 2020


This new confinement period gives us new challenges for the organization of our days!

DH was quite successful making purchases yesterday morning, now we never know what the menus will be for the next days except of course pasta or rice!

He managed to find almost what was on the "wish" list. So we had fish and vegetables. Today "raclette" -cheese raclette.

En ces périodes compliquées, nos courses furent un succès et les menus virtuels se trouvèrent réellement dans nos assiettes.
Lors de notre séance de jardinage hier, les pavés disparus sous l'herbe du jardin ont été retrouvés grâce à l'archéologue maison !

We did a lot of work in the garden those past days, preparing the vegetable garden, cleaning      flowerbeds, I found my "coeur de Marie" (lyre flower) was ready to grow and some mushrooms under the leaves!

As DH and DD2 were cleaning the terrasse, they looked for some pavers "lost" under the grass for years. Felt like some kind of "archeologist" and our "home Indiana Jones" finally found them as this picture proves.

We had some chat which our grandchildren, playing some letters games together and Capucine shown us drawings and the new calendar she made with her mum. It's hard for kids to stay at home and she cryed because she wanted to go to school and she don't understand why she can't.

The homework for her brother is well organized by his teacher, lessons and homeworks are sent by email and each pupil writes every day some toughts and comments their day. The teacher is collecting them to make kind of a class book to keep the class spirit living.

Ecole et devoirs à la maison pour les petits enfants et bricolage avec maman pour ce superbe calendrier fait main.

Of course I'm sewing and stitching every afternoon but I'm not the only one, DH is finishing the kite he was preparing for our trip to Italy which was planned and now cancelled for next April. There is a big kite festival in Cervia and it was our 60 years birthdays gift. Work holiday schedule for three weeks, budget, rent, road trip, we started to plan it 18 months ago and now all we have left is the map! We only wish we'll be able to do it another year.

The pattern of the kite he chose to make is a tie...

Le ciel de l'Italie ne verra pas notre cerf-volant peut-être le ciel cassien si le montage se passe bien.

Our neighbour's cat appreciates we are confined at home, she hears me open the shutters and arrives a few moments later on the window sill for a little visit.

Darjeeling apprécie que ses voisins soient confinés, cela lui offre plus de câlins et une visite matinale dès que les volets s'ouvrent.

If you look for some hobby,  remember there are three "Tour de France" on the blog, you can still visit the country and discover some new places if you missed them before.

The first started in  March 2015  with  embroidery and sewing theme


The second started in February 2017  with  books  theme


The third started in  June 2019   with toys/game  theme


I'll be happy to read / answer to new comments.

Les tours de France organisés sur le blog avec de petites énigmes pour vous faire deviner des villes et leurs spécialités sont disponibles selon les liens ci-dessus. Une promenade "passe-temps" pour voyageurs confinés.

Voilà quelques nouvelles en attendant de vous retrouver bientôt avec des photos de Beauval. Portez-vous bien.
See you soon for my next post on Beauval Parc. Stay safe.

jeudi 19 mars 2020


Strange week...

Since last Friday schools, universities, colleges are closed.
Then restaurant, cafés, shops, museums closed.
Now we only can go out with a self signed autorisation to go to food shops (when they aren't already empty) to the pharmacy or the doctor. A lot of offices are closed too, mine is totally closed because all the electrical works construction are stopped, DH went to work only Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning after it was forbidden.
DD2 has left Paris and joined us not to be confined in her very very small flat (room) for three or four weeks (lucky to catch a train on Monday).

Hopefully the weather is shiny since yesterday, so we can go out in the garden. So I'm gardening, sewing, stitching, cooking, watching movies.

DD1 is a nurse so she is waiting for new schedules because of the virus. Kids are at home with their dad who is teleworking.

DD3 boyfriend had his birthday yesterday, so I cooked a cake and he was able to blow out his birthday's candles thanks to internet!

As we couldn't be together we made a video, it was fun!

Hope you and your family are well and keeping your spirits up!
Send you a lot of "blogging" kisses and hugs.

See you soon for the result in pictures of all the DIY free hours.

dimanche 15 mars 2020


It's March 15th which means updating the Gifted Gorgeousness post,

Gifts we are making or supplies received as gifts parts of our WIP, let's see what stitchers show this month here :


Deux tissus à colorier "princesses" et "licorne" m'ont permis de fabriquer un petit coussin pour la nouvelle chambre de Capucine.

I bought last year this princess fabric and find a new one this year with unicorn, DD1 recently moved to a new flat and Capucine has now her own bedroom. New furniture,  new decoration, what about a nice cushion you can put color on!

She spent some time at home during the February holidays and after a sewing session why not some home made cookies...

I'm still working on Violette wardrobe, some new clothes waiting for fitting

La garde-robe de Violette va s'enrichir d'une robe et d'une salopette dès que mademoiselle sera repassée à la maison pour quelques essayages.

Encore plus de carrés démaquillants, ce qui porte mon score à 22 !
Mon prochain projet devrait être les masques anti-poussière actualité oblige !

Maintenant, l'actualité de la rédactrice s'invite sur ce blog, compte-tenu du fait que l'heure de la retraite approche avec de grandes résolutions. Le temps est venu d'établir une liste de souhaits et de trier le stock de laine, de tissus et de toiles en attribuant à chaque fourniture un projet réaliste.

Time for retirement is approaching with high resolutions, The "to do" list have to become more realistic as those new free hours for DIY have to be well used. There will be enough temptations for new technics, new embroideries, I have to use what I got in my boxes first and decide if I really have some specific project for each supply.

For the fabric, wool, linen, which definitive future? (Good luck with that!).

Two big bags of wool : no more knitted sweaters, only doll's clothes, ornies, spool knitting and pom poms.

Fabric :

Some boxes of fabric "I inheritated" after my Mom"s death  -  especially jersey fabric.
Some dress patterns I tried to do for me years ago  - patterns already cut and large pieces for skirts or tops.
Some  clothes which haven't been worn much with a nice fabric waiting for a second life
Some scrap fabric from a lot of homemade projects like house's curtains, tableclothes.

My wishlist includes :   doll's clothes, patchwork blanket, cushions, caps, Christmas DIY ornaments (trees, place mat,  yo-yo shapes ornies), some scrapbooking or cards involving some little fabric pieces, dresses for my granddaughter and maybe for me!

So when I saw on the Internet an alphabet made for kids learning to read I added one project on this list and couldn't wait to try it. No need of special quality of fabric so I can used the colored jersey and do the back of the letters with fabric to recycle.

I bought 6 metres of padding (enough for the next months - years). I know, the purpose wasn't to buy but to use the stock but now I'm ready to pad ornies, cushions, dolls, animals!

The letters patterns are cut into cardboard and I'm sewing the 3 layers alltogether and hope it will be easy to cut the outline (with pinking shears for a better finish - not very effective so far).

Of course my first words will be my grandchildren's first names!

So a new work in progress for the GG post!