dimanche 25 septembre 2022



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

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Back on Cuore e Batticuore (the Italian designer) "a hammock for two".

The left cherry tree is now well done. After some frogging I have now stitched with one thread all the tails of the cherries and finish the basket.

Backstitch is not my favorite work, but I have to attach the hammock on the trees.

J'ai pénélopé pour reprendre les queues de cerises en un fil, le hamac n'est plus en lévitation, il est attaché aux arbres et le panneau blanc est réparé en attente de l'inscription en italien.

One year of stitches

I brought only knitting with me during our holidays so I'm catching up with end of August and a month of September near its last days. 

Since last post, there is some summer theme things as sunshade and drink, early grapes in the garden.

Parasol et orangeade pour la fin d'août et vendange précoce dans le jardin.

For the holidays in Dieppe : 76, the boat Belem and kites to be stitched.

The wind is ready but I still have to chose the shape of the kites I want to stitch.

Some gold for the Virgo constellation for DD3 26 years birthday and a new king. Two notebooks for Capucine going to primary school - CP (cours préparatoire d'école primaire) and Timothé - Year 7 (entrée en 6ème au collège).

Rentrée des classes pour les petits-enfants et constellation de la Vierge pour l'anniversaire d'Eve-Amélie.

I chose kind of a Victoria era dress for the book "Death come to Pemberley".

Pour le livre de P.D. James, une héroïne vêtue d'une tenue victorienne.

 and a unicorn which will give you the name of the third book of my "namesake" writer I finished last week!

A tiny mane, I'll probably not attach and let free.

Confection d'une crinière miniature que je pense laisser libre.

"The lady with the unicorn - Tracy Chevalier".

We move our car to Bioethanol so she is part of this month too!

La clio roule au jus de betterave !

I will add the last number of the total of my knitted squares for DD3 cover next week. I try to stitch a different pattern for the monthly update, this time I chose two black balls of yarn and 26? between them.

I started finishing the back of the cover with all those threads to hide

J'atteindrai plus de 26? à fin septembre et vais broder deux pelotes de laine noire autour de ce total. J'ai également commencé à rentrer les fils sur le verso de l'ouvrage.

As October will be the month of two cataract operations, no idea which goals my eyes will be able to reach in the next weeks!

Here is the topic Melissa gave us this month: Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?

I stitched all year long, maybe more productive in winter as there is less things to do in the garden. And Christmas season is always bringing ideas for new ornaments, cards and gifts for friends.

Je bricole durant toute l'année toutes techniques confondues mais dès le mois d'octobre les projets liés à Noël commencent à occuper de plus en plus mes journées. 

vendredi 23 septembre 2022


We are back at home and I miss the wind, the sea, the harbour
but I still have so many kites to show you!

De retour à la maison, le vent, la mer, le port me manque
mais j'ai encore beaucoup de jolis cerfs-volants à vous montrer !


Germany stall... very Indian and the small kites shop from Netherlands.

I know it's stupid, but I don't feel comfy under this kind of kite.

Crayons de couleur - Colored pencils 

An old -now- expression "une famille dans le vent"
"a family in the wind" literally!

Funny too, those two larges fishing rods, kids could bring up kind of stuffed character and let him fall with a parachute.

I heard a Mum proposing a "first flight" for his cuddly toy
no smile on his face, I'm quite sure he thought his Mum
was threaten him!

mercredi 21 septembre 2022

LE BELEM et autres bateaux...

We have some nice holidays in Dieppe and were lucky to learn that the harbour will welcome a special ship "The Bélem"  three-masted barque. We went to the pier to watch her reach Dieppe and we were so happy to be able to be so close.

She made her maiden voyage as a cargo ship in 1896, transporting sugar from the West Indies, cocoa, and coffee from Brazil and French Guiana to Nantes, France.

Unfortunately we couldn't approach the quays as all is close now that they parked there the wind turbines unloaded from the boats.

Malheureusement, on ne peut plus accéder aux quais, à cause du stockage des éoliennes tout est fermé par des grilles.

You'll find a lot of links on the net, here is a virtual visit.


We saw her leaving a few days later for a cruise in the Channel. We were back from the market and of course the swing bridge (?) was open.

Le pont Colbert - 1889  ouvert pour la sortie du Bélem samedi matin.

Three windows on the harbor gave us great views.

Le Carolin G  -  St John's

The Ferry to New Heaven.

Morning fog.                   Brouillard du matin.

Les bateaux de pêche attendant l'ouverture du Pont levant Jehan Ango - 1950

Le navire océanographique "Côtes de la Manche". (Ifremer 1997).