vendredi 29 septembre 2023


 I'm at home but back in Albi on the blog as I want to share more great places we visited.

The French navigator  J-F de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse is born near Albi, so there is a small museum in the town and you know I love all about maps, boats models and explorer stories.

There is also a tribute to James Cook

Visite du musée de Lapérouse, maquettes, cartes de navigation, instruments, peintures et détails de ses explorations

Dans un tout autre genre quelques photos de notre visite
aux jardins des Martels, une jolie promenade parmi les fleurs

Another lovely visit among ponds and flowers
in the gardens of Martels

2 commentaires:

  1. Albi looks lovely, we haven't been there. In fact we haven't been to France this year and I'm missing it very much

  2. I feel like I got glimpse of your roots. I also love maps.
    When I was a child, I secretly wanted to ride on the big leaf in the photo.
