vendredi 15 septembre 2023


 It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

DD3 birthday in September means a new homemade card
a new choice, those felt donuts

It seems she enjoyed it as well as Mochi

Ma p'tite dernière fête ses 27 ans...
elle inaugure ce qui j'espère deviendra une petite série
les donuts anniversaires !

Last Christmas I saw those cute felt garland and thought she
would like one, one with the little bubbles smiling (kawaii)
we are in holidays so the surprise will be later.

A notre retour de congés, nous ne manquerons pas d'arroser cela
et ce sera l'occasion de lui offrir cette guirlande réalisée en feutrine.

Last days before being back in school, I have given the cardboard oven to Capucine to play with her doll making small breads and pies.

Le four cuisson au bois fait en carton pour Capucine et sa poupée
est enfin terminé et baptisé par nous deux "chez Perlinpinpain".

The "big" news of this month GG post is this new pouch

Mais l'évènement de ce mois-ci est la création d'une pochette
de voyage pour protéger bagues et colliers
La broderie réalisée en 2015 selon une grille choisie dans un
magazine de point compté offert par Sheryl
est parfaite pour cet usage, les rubans roses offerts par Joanne
également et le petit bouton reçu d'une collègue apportent
une jolie finition au montage.

You have already read about this jewelry pouch I made at the end of August but it has to be part of GG post with a 3 stars reward 
because  :

the pattern came from a Spanish magazine, a gift from Sheryl
the pink ribbons were given by Jo
and the little pink button was given to me by a colleague

I brought this little bag in holidays to keep my camee and rings safe. What a better way to celebrate its new fonction than adding a new necklace.

visiting Sauveterre de Rouergue the village wasn't crowdy than we first thought it would be and only one shop open on Sunday "Le baladin"  a boutique full of necklaces, earings, lot of different shapes, colors, stones, quite impossible to resist...
I have also bought the earings made with big ceramic beads I intend to
use for a bun spike.

On the crochet WIP, I have sewed the cats on the "landscape" squares.

Voilà mes petits chats, enfin cinq d'entre eux, cousus sur leurs paysages

Of course some stitches added to the unicorn the girls offered to me last Christmas

Quelques points de plus sur les pattes et le décor de ma licorne.

5 commentaires:

  1. What a lovely post this month! You are so creative with your cards, and gifts to your daughter and granddaughter. My granddaughter likes to play with kitchen things too! The garland is very cute! The zipper bag you made is wonderful, I can see you keeping many treasures safe in there! The Crochet squares are adorable! What a pretty unicorn. As always a pleasure to visit your blog! Happy Creating!

  2. Oh my so many projects, you've been busy making pretties and having fun. Adorable the crocheted cat square!!!

  3. Calorie free donuts, they look great.
    The garland is so cute and I love how the cats are coming together!

  4. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love those doughnuts too! The jewellery pouch is lovely too.
    Serendipitous Jo

  5. There are so many cute and unique pieces.
    Your daughter is so cute as she bites into a delicious donut birthday card.😆
