Second rendez-vous avec le "Gifted Gorgeouness" de JO
As I'm still looking for my Valentine... there is already the second GG to update
my Valentine's Day was a sweet one, some pics to savour reading this post....

A new event modified my projects
A friend of DD1 have had a baby boy in january,
so a card to knit, a bib to sew,
and some elephants ornaments

with a lovely fabric
with couples of animals
ready to jump in the ark
sewed on wrong side
not easy to return
but with patience
and persistence
have I told you that
the boy was named
pour un joli bébé
prénommé Noé
Comment imaginer que cette bobine
de laine à repriser issue d'un vieux stock
de maman inutilisé se révèlerait
si utile au moment de confectionner
une queue pour un éléphant bleu ?
How could you imagine that this
blue darning thread (from an old stock)
would prove to be so useful
this time for the making of
a tail for a blue elephant....
as you can see a tea pot is
always the good way to
find the right design
Just for fun, about elephant I took this pic last autumn, visiting "Beauval Zoo"
Just imagine three volumes of your encyclopedia between the two animals
and think of the strong shelf you need for them.
GG2 : a beginning during our small holidays :

on an aïda dark blue, blanc B5200 / bleu 794
A Chibi stitches design,
from Mélanie Pelet,
free pattern given on
France Broderie stand
(for a blue linen purchase)
in memory of the "Charlie Hebdo" team killed in Paris on january 7 th.
GG3 Dans la série "les clés" la clé de sol.....
some progress on musical score
divers diagrammes de clefs trouvés sur le net / patterns by (ex ; lesloisirsdabbygaelle - echevette)
vous voulez nous rejoindre dans cette aventure
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