I missed September one spending some holidays in Dieppe, but you'll see this in the last three months of this year.
Mrs Moon doesn't obviously know that she must not be full around the 15th as it's time for Jo's GG post!
Greenwich and Paris astronomers are studying on this particular phenomenon which clearly disrupts my own spatio-stitching-temporal balance.
So back on work... Christmas tree "Avvolgente Natale" - Serenita di campagna -

(chart I bought in January
We left candles stitched
for Olympic Games
I have now made good progress
on decoration
Je progresse sur les décorations
de l'arbre, il me reste les flammes
des bougies, l'étoile, et un peu de
DMC D140 brun/or sur le tronc.
Some more white stitches, still have to light candles and stitch the top star
and use a very special DMC D140 gold brown on the trunk.
I also "offered" me a lovely book
"Marché de Noël" from Brin d'un jour,
here I was :
bear from Olympic games
get half a roof
mon joli fil bleu 3842
tokyoïte pour le toit du
stand tenu par Teddy
the seller is coming on trees stand
some white added on first rabbit
is the cat with gingerbread (second row in the middle)
I know it looks like it's most often gifts I made to myself
but I recently was a charming winner on Jo's blog so...
was the 8 colors swimming race
it's a chart from "las Labores
de Ana" (very helpful gift from Sheryl)
Très agréable modèle à broder avec un joli effet vitrail dans le dessin.
Now, back to September surprises,
Retour sur les surprises de septembre
J'aimerais beaucoup broder un jour un modèle avec des écritures.
Too lazy to do all the chart, I just prepared an approximate pattern for the writing, and I begun my stitching after estimating the place for words on the fabric, Joyeux was ok but on letter v of Anniversaire I realized that I was stitching "out" of the line and soon "out" of the fabric! I tried to unstitch but the fabric was too marked, so I decided to cut another piece and start again.
This Joyeux will have a new life cut for a Christmas Ornament waiting for "Noël"
Then I begun the verso but wasn't too concentrated..
after two spelling mistakes I realized there was an uneven count of lines from the xx of the "e" I was one thread too far,
frogging and frogging again, I finished laughing with so much errors done
Un manque de concentration certain
a fait que j'ai accumulé les erreurs
J'aurais dû signer Pénélope et non pas Jocondine.
I'm far from a very special stitching you can see on DMC blog "En quête de fil"
A fable of Jean de la Fontaine, from Gerard B. (2 months work) 1,22 m sur 0,96 m
Il me reste de la marge, voici un ouvrage réalisé par un brodeur en deux mois, point lancé pour le quadrillage Seyès et point de croix pour les vers de Jean de la Fontaine.
Morale de l'histoire : Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point (compté bien sûr !)