mardi 8 août 2017


The tenuous shoe-horn is back!

This year, Jo "Serendipitous Stitching"
gave us a theme about our loved one

J'ai choisi pour ce thème de vous parler un peu de mes petits chouchous.

The great children growing and giving so much happiness,
first stitches, first steps, first steps in stitches, I'll begin with my shared stitching with Timothé

Ouvrage à quatre mains.

I now have to add flowers and butterfly, bees...

This month, he was so proud of being published in Mickey Junior, his drawing was chosen...

A gift to my granddaughter Capucine

 A kind of memory game
from Zazobouzi

The fabric for the back I first chose was too small for the all project, so I move to this one.
I'am sewing the base pattern.

As my grandson (6 years old) is going to "high" school in next September,
I intend to make for him some kind of scrapbooking pages with words in funny display.

Here are my first tests with : enveloppe / lettre and  thé

with a letter box and some small enveloppes, and some cup of tea with the three letters to put in order

Premiers essais pour mon classeur de mots "bricolés", du courrier dans la boîte aux lettres et une bonne tasse de thé. Pour apprendre l'orthographe en s'amusant.

Last year, part of my post was linked to shoes
I'll use this shoe-horn again, what about feet...

to show (again) some funny boots
we found during holidays in South

Am I stitching shoes?  Actually I am stitching ice skates in "Patins d'Argent"

I have finished the tree on the left side, and begin the shoes of the skater
but realize that I started counting from the third branch instead of the second...

a skater with three legs?

That's better now!

From shoes to socks

I changed some of the
colors of this character
on the advice of my
DD3 colourist

(still not fond of the cap)

but the socks are ok

From feet to poetry, I leave you with three verses in twelve feet.

What we call an "alexandrin" verse consists of two hemi (stitches ;)... of 6 syllables each.

Je vous quitte avec quelques alexandrins (formé de deux hémistiches de six syllabes).

"En ce huit août il m'est, gentiment proposé,
A ce Tenuous Shoe-horn, d'apporter mes idées,
Car Jo m'a invité, à y participer !

4 commentaires:

  1. Wonderful post, I thought your beloved grandchildren might feature. I love how excited Timothe is to see his drawing in the magazine! It is always a thrill to see you work in print.
    Love the wellyboot dogs too.
    Thank you for my poem, very sweet and perfect for the event.

  2. Great post. I love the crafts you're making, and congrats to Timothe! That's fantastic that his drawing was featured in the magazine. Love the boot dogs too!

  3. Quelle joie d'avoir des petits-enfants. Tu fabriques beaucoup de jolies choses pour eux. Le renard pour Capucine est superbe. Et ton petit-fils va aimer son livre à lettres.
