WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's musings, everyone shows the projects we want to finish before the end of the world.
The place we share for this monthly show is here :
Here is my "20 in 20" list ; voici ma liste :
3/ L'oiseau - cardinal bird - 4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game - 5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons - 7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/ Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set - FINISHED - 9/ Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats - 12/ La parisienne - The Parisian - 13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds - 15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball - 17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls FINISHED - 19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric - 20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops
9/ Feutrine - felt
A new creation, this month : a pineapple, funny to make, I added to my fabric sausage little felt square folded and finished it with green leaves.
Topic of the month : What new charts or designers are catching your eye this year?
My answer is the continuation of You Choose post, because it will be Cuore e Batticuore and the knitting theme chart I started on July 1st, stitching every day since. Olympics games should have been a big part of my 07/20 Wipocalypse so it was like a "replacing" challenge.
From 5 to 14, it went well, it was nice and fun to take this lovely chart every afternoon,
Then I received a visit...

Only a few stitches from the scarf were wrong, but...
I finished the knitting girl on last Thursday and looking to her saw the space between her head and the upper border looking a bit small... bad count when I started to stitch the hair...

La fin de la semaine fût occupée à pénéloper mes bêtises et me voilà repartie !
I am back on work after a frogging end of week!