jeudi 2 juillet 2020


June last Sunday was the right time for the half year Wipocalypse update, you'll see why I'm late...

It's all about the projects we want to finish before the end of the world and you'll find on Melissa's blog all the stitching blogging friends who are participating.

Here is my "20 in 20" list ; voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields) -  2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird -  4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game  -  5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons  -  7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set   - FINISHED  -  9/  Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats  -  12/ La parisienne - The Parisian  -  13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds  -  15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball  -  17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls   FINISHED -  19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric  -  20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

The question of the month is : How are you doing with your goals? 
My 20/20 list losts more than half of the projects I thought I will work on. Mostly because I spent some much time on sewing the fabric dolls "18" that I'm now far from the road I planned, If I want to reach my destination, the ship's captain must restore course. 

Ma liste pour 2020 a perdu plus de la moitié des 20 projets initialement prévus, surtout à cause du temps passé à coudre les poupées du 18. Je suis bien loin de ma route et si je veux aller à bon port, le capitaine doit redresser la barre !

4/ Not a lot of cross stitch because of dolls sewing, but I kept some hours for the game goose, not to abandon the first half part of my list. So, I begun the 47/48 square with a personal pattern I draw last month about astronomy.

5/ Autumn - a very, very old WIP, my magnifying lamp is out and green threads back on those leaves

I sware I did it seriously, so close to the fabric that I only saw my mistake when I took the picture
miscounting again!!! 
Maybe I should rename my blog "masochism and half-point".
Impossible to post with this awful update so Monday evening was frogging
and Tuesday afternoon restart!

9/ Pinterest is what I could call the dangerous world I sometimes visited to see ideas for dolls but I used it again for felt vegetables and can't wait trying something new. I wanted to make a pineapple, so I'm making a base with an old yellow fabric (I'm sorting my boxes to check the fabric textures, footages, what I'm gonna do with all I have stored for years plus my mother's. On that little sausage I'll add folded squares of yellow felt.

Un projet d'ananas vient honorer le numéro 9 de ma liste, j'espère que le montage sera réussi.

18/ Zazobouzi dolls are finished and I posted on the 23 and 25th special articles about the designer and the fabric dolls and clothes.

2 commentaires:

  1. Great work this month. I love your Astronomer block for the game.
    I would have had to put right that mistake before posting too!
    The pineapple is looking good so far. We had a pineapple bush in our garden when we lived in the Far East.

  2. You are doing very well with your list! Mine has been abandoned for quite a while now as I keep being tempted to start new things! I love your astronomer block, well done!
    I especially enjoyed reading about the Zazabouzi dolls!
    Great work!
    Barbara xx
