dimanche 27 novembre 2022



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

On FB or


October was busy with eyes surgery so I have only stitched on my one year of stitching and ended the month without WIPO post.

Seulement des progrès sur les mois de septembre/octobre de mon ouvrage "une année de broderies", puis chirurgie de la cataracte.

Finition des illustrations du festival de Dieppe, le vent attendait impatiemment que je brode le cerf-volant de JB.

The wind was waiting for DH kite and I added another one hexagonal

We met Mochi (DD3 cat) and set up a new water collector
I chose this Egyptian eye for my first surgery

The last play we saw was about Marie Curie (Ra and Po)

We often went to the cinema, I'll try to find some tiny patterns
to illustrate all the movies between the 2 lines as a roll of film

like for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes festival
(triangle of sadness - golden palm)

Nous sommes allés au théâtre voir une pièce sur Marie Curie
une vie radieuse par la cie Slavicarib
Retour également dans les salles obscures
d'où ce déroulé de pellicule dans lequel je vais tâcher
d'illustrer : Les enfants des autres, Revoir Paris, Sans filtre, Simone
Le pharaon, le sauvage et la princesse, Couleurs de l'incendie

November will be about our Japan Expo visit,
attending Louis Chedid concert

my new red glasses and the xmas DIY ornaments

Novembre va indiquer notre visite à la Japan Expo,
le concert de Louis Chédid, mes nouvelles lunettes
et les bricolages de Noël

The BOO cover was 277/324 at the end of October
and Boo was happy to participate to Jo's Halloween blog hop!
A fin octobre, mon score était de 277/324 et Boo fût heureux de participer au Blog Hop de Jo pour Halloween !

Only 4 more squares but as we are watching the football,
I'm back on knitting and a future car travel will help me too.

My first attempts since the implants and new glasses are not
satisfactory, I lost my closer view and can't see right for stitching
linen I have to test with a magnifier for embroidery.

This month topic is : When do you begin planning your stitching goals for the next year?

No real "year plan", I see more my to do list like a river growing with its  tributaries (new projects) with a flow regulated with the finishes without real dated schedule. However the last week of the year, after the Christmas rush is usually the right time to think about the "forgotten projects in the basket" and see what can get a second chance or a new life. 

1 commentaire:

  1. Lovely work on your Diary Embroidery project. It's such fun to see what each symbol means too.
