Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.
On FB or https://measi.net/
Point de croix / cross stitching
Lady with the unicorn
Here is my January update

Cartonnage / paper crafts
Birthday donuts cards are back on my desk and sometimes it's fun too to "work on a production line" meaning prepare more than one. I tried this card last September for DD3 birthday and I have "approved" this attempt and want to send it to many friends.So as I have seven more top covers that means 21 donuts to cook.
My friend Roselyne birthday is in early February and Virginie, my goddaughter, was born on the 21th so two cards to work on this month.
bienvenue pour les anniversaires de cette année. Et rapidement puisque deux courriers doivent être expédiés dès début février !
Laine-crochet / wool
OAAT project now, the hexagonal/stripes pullover.
DD3 has announced a visit next Wednesday so we'll do some fittings to get precise mesurements for the sleeves length and how to adjust the neckline (I must keep in mind she'll have to put it on).
I started the striped sleeve, first wanted to crochet it in a round way to avoid sewing but it gave a different pattern as there is no back row.
So I started again as a rectangle.
Tour de France 6 - dessins / drawings
J'ai commencé à organiser mes futures étapes et à choisir mes guides avec comme précédemment deux dessins-énigmes plus un pour l'arrivée ce qui va représenter une bonne quarantaine de croquis.
Ce sera un TdF écologique : circuit court, deux gilets pour économiser le chauffage, moins de papier avec la réutilisation d'images de versions antérieures, consommation raisonnée d'eau pour l'aquarelle ! Ha, Ha !
I've started to organize my future stages and choose my guides with, as before, two riddle drawings and a drawing for the finish, which will represent a good forty sketches.
It will be an ecological TdF: short circuit, two cardigans to save heating, less paper with the reuse of images from previous versions, reasoned consumption of water for the watercolors! Ha, Ha!
Couture / sewing
I have made two gnomes during my Countdown to Christmas in December. Most often an advent time craft, I'm glad to be ready to begin a new one.
A miss playing bagpipe was on the top of my list and some orange chocolate box cord will give me lovely curls but not enough for an entire hair (which could lead to buy more chocolate!).
I have chosen a "tall" body on which I'll sew a kilt and a white top. I need a cap and a bagpipe.
I have cut in a tartan fabric (from an old skirt) a rectangle and I'm making plies for the kilt. I'm also working on the hat.
J'ai choisi un corps assez haut sur lequel je vais fixer un top blanc et un kilt, puis il me faudra un béret. J'ai donc coupé dans un tissu écossais provenant d'une ancienne jupe un rectangle sur lequel je vais coudre des plis.
J'ai mis de côté un cordonnet orange récupéré sur une boîte de chocolat, démonté cela donnera de très jolis cheveux roux mais pas assez pour une coiffure entière (d'où peut-être l'obligation de racheter des chocolats!).