dimanche 7 janvier 2024



Welcome to the 2024 Wipocalypse intro!

For the first Sunday of this new year, Melissa asks us to introduce ourself, talk about our goals and projects.


One more list to do is always a great moment for me, this list must mix old WIPs which need some quasi-archaeological searchs, ongoing works and new stimulating ideas.

Twelve months with also great blog hops from Jo - Serendipitous Stitching and including the "all around the year" homemade gifts or cards.

Of course I want to be back on cross stitch with my unicorn, my goose game, 2 soon to be finished Cuore e Batticuore patterns.

My two "wool" WIP with hexagones and cats...

I hope I will find some time for sewing and making clothes, playing with beads for new necklaces.

Sure I will have fun with gifts for the grandkids.

A recent discovery on YT : Junk Journaling and I'm becoming an addict fan of the tutorials so no escape door!

Drawing and painting also give me great moments with the preparation of the 6th edition of my Tour de France which must start soon.

Major year for sports as it's an Olympic / Paralympic Year and I love to participate to Melissa Wipolympic challenge like in 2021 in Tokyo

with a special joy welcoming you at home in Paris in July.

Reading Melissa's post I learned a new word as she said she'll support "cross-pollination" event participation! Love that (probably already doing it without knowing how to name it).

It means I'll be a busy bee with my needles, pens, cissors, fabric, wool, threads... and will take ideas from embroidery to crafting, sewing, painting...

Une nouvelle année s'ouvre au Wipocalypse organisé par Mélissa. Cet article doit introduire les projets que nous allons suivre pendant les prochains mois. Je vais donc me laisser aller à mon péché mignon : faire une liste !

Bien sûr, du point de croix, afin de reprendre et terminer mes deux ouvrages de chez Cuore e Batticuore, ma licorne et mon jeu de l'oie.

Laine crochetée pour un pull pour DD3 et un coussin chat pour DD2.

J'espère libérer un peu de temps pour coudre des vêtements et faire de nouveaux colliers.

A cela vont s'ajouter les cartes et cadeaux faits maison tout au long de l'année pour mes proches.

Puisque j'évoque le cartonnage, j'ai récemment découvert sur YT les Junk Journaux et une légère addiction pour ces tutoriels va devoir se soigner par l'usage de vieux papiers et tubes de colle.

N'oublions pas les crayons et les pinceaux puisque sous peu devra être lancé le tracé du projet du Tour de France n° 6.

L'année sera aussi sportive car j'aime participer aux Wipolympics comme à Tokyo en 2021 et serai bien heureuse de vous accueillir à Paris en juillet prochain.

Voilà de quoi butiner d'un ouvrage à l'autre et comme dirait Mélissa faire de la pollinisation croisée un enrichissement personnel !

6 commentaires:

  1. Great intro. Loving the variety in your crafts. Can’t wait to see progress in all of them. Have a ton of fun xxx

  2. I love seeing your creations, you are so clever. Good luck with all your projects in 2024

  3. So many cute cute projects. You've been busy and will continue to be busy from the number you've got. The cat squares is adorable and then some. Looking forward to seeing your projects for the coming year.

  4. You have great plans for the new year, you'll be as busy as those bees!

  5. I feel it's going to be another good crafting year for you! Love the Cuore e Batticuore designs you have chosen.

  6. There is never a chance to get bored here, with so many fun crafts going on! Looking forward to seeing all of them again as the year progresses.
