We didn't managed to visit my cousin in last August so our plans are moving to this end of October. I'm already very close to Christmas spirit and looking forward to start my DIY ornaments. I have made years ago Advent Calendar for friends, kids and it would be nice to take the time to prepare a surprise to Soline (my goddaughter's daughter).
I soon started to think about a box full of envelopes with Xmas ideas of DIY as if I was living close to her and sharing time with her making ornies.
What if I prepare some kinds of kit with easy-to-do instructions so she could do them on her own or with her mother's help.
Nous nous préparons pour une visite chez ma cousine la semaine prochaine et pour apporter quelques surprises à Soline, j'ai confectionné les gâteaux en feutrine mais j'ai pensé que c'était une occasion unique si près de l'avent de lui déposer un calendrier composé de petits kits de bricolages comme si nous pouvions les fabriquer ensemble.
I have to chose in my list of crafts, some which doesn't involve too much sewing only drawing, simple folding, glue and cissors.
Here are some ready to pack.

"stained glass" ornie gift tags to make
Some ideas are taken in my own list of DIY ornies like the small reindeers as place card, woven paper hearts, crocheted tree or a stitched tree.
and some new ideas seen on the net or YT tutos like advent wreast made with fabric stips, Christmas tree candle covers, fox with pine cones, saint Nicolas bookmark.
Je me suis donc plongée dans mes classeurs pour rassembler les idées de décorations que je pourrais préparer en "prêt à assembler". En découpant les différentes parties et ajoutant les matériaux adéquats.
I'm cutting the papers ready to glue, so she'll only have to add decorations or her finish touch.
As for these Saint Nicholas bookmarks
Some are gifts as this kind of booklet
she could copy if she wants (double maze card tutorial)
Cards and crocheted wool trees
Elle pourra ainsi chaque jour trouver dans une enveloppe un petit bricolage comme : un photophore, un marque-page Saint Nicolas, un renne marque place, des sapins en tout genre, des étiquettes cadeaux et cartes de voeux... Avec en alternance des décos et des chocolats.
I have also bought some candies, book and ornaments.
Every day a pocket with a gift or a kind of kit and a note with explanations. I'll ask her to take pictures so maybe we'll see her progress on the blog!
As we are living home for some family holidays, no big progress in the Countdown to Christmas projects during the next days... only on paper : lists and drawings!
Bientôt départ pour Châlons en Champagne donc pas de progrès sur les projets du Compte à rebours de Noël dans les prochains jours... seulement sur papier : listes et dessins.