mercredi 13 novembre 2024


N° 4

Retour dans l'ateliers des lutins pour ce quatrième article sur mes réalisations spéciales Noël.

Back in the elves workshop for this fourth update on my Christmas DIY.

On my list was a palm tree (I'm always shocked Christmas can be in summer somewhere)
and I found tiny pink flamingo which could feet well!

I have used some brown ribbon for the
trunk, felt for the leaves 
Should I add beads as "Christmas baubles"
I'm tempted...

Deux flamands roses sous un palmier...
Je suis tentée d'ajouter des perles comme
boules de Noël !

Next will came a dog, a cat and a Christmas house

So many new ideas to try but I must be wise too and there are some (many) things waiting for a finish. I'm determined to win some "she finish it, good girl" ribbon!

I finally found the bag where I kept my felt garland, the lamps were finished. I have decided not to stitch smiley on them (as I did for DD3). Only have to add the string and that's it!

DD3 garland

Presque terminée ma guirlande attendait juste un cordon puisque toutes mes lampes étaient terminées.

I have also to start my cards. Among them I have a special one for Soline, a three wishes card to celebrate Christmas on the 25, her birthday on the 31 and the new year.

2023 accordeon card

I think I'll keep the 3 folded scenery from last year and transform it into "an escape game card". I know they sell some on the internet and I'd like to hide some little messages into the decor as a puzzled sentence she'll have to discover and assembly.

It's not totally "build" in my head but it's the general idea.

I could "cut" my wishes words by words and hide them behind door, furnitures, paintings, windows, plants, chimney, carpets and so on.

I have cut the 3 sets, front door, living room and back yard.

Il est également temps de commencer mes cartes pour les fêtes. Parmi elles, il y a un modèle un peu spécial pour Soline puisqu'il doit célébrer Noël, son anniversaire et enfin la nouvelle année. Je pense reprendre la même mise en scène que l'an passé avec trois parties. L'entrée de la maison, le salon et une cour intérieure.

J'aimerai m'inspirer d'une carte "escape game" vue sur la toile et cacher des petits mots dans le décor pour reconstituer une phrase de voeux. La conception n'est pas totalement terminée mais c'est l'idée générale.

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