samedi 21 décembre 2024


     n° 8

Some CCIP - Christmas cards in progress

Some finishing touches on Soline accordeon card...

I put this 3d squirrel on the front to wish her happy holidays!

A new card made as a mountain slope. Funny and simple to make and you can use lot of paper scraps to cut the trees!

J'avais mis de côté l'an passé faute de temps ce modèle de cartes en pentes enneigées. Je viens donc d'en terminer deux, très simple et plaisant à fabriquer, rien de compliqué : découper une pente en trois plis, la coller sur un fond et l'agrémenter de sapins et personnages.

I saw lovely ornies on the net with a natural look given by corrugated cardboard, strings, tartan fabric, wood and here are my first attempt.

I had some meteorological troubles with my "mountain landscape", I tried to add some snow with a bomb but snowfalls got the cardboard wet and the peaks became soft! Then the double face I used didn't work so all the panel sliped!

Don't say to someone who have worked more than 40 years in the construction/electricity business that she will be stopped by some building issues.

First white acrylic paint with a toothbrush, second make a box on which glue the mountain, third put the box on the top.

Après une mauvaise surprise météorologique...  ma neige bombée, le carton s'est humidifié et les pics ramollis ! Ensuite le double face n'a pas tenu d'où glissement de terrain !

Je n'ai pas fait plus de quarante ans de BTP pour me faire arrêter par des problèmes de construction ! Démontage, peinture à l'acrylique à la brosse à dents, remontage sur une boîte en carton et repose.

Last year I made a stitched ornament for baby Pierre as it was his first Christmas. He is now 18 months old and for his second Christmas here is this year 

1 commentaire:

  1. That mountain slope card is another great idea and I love the tartan ornaments, that's super pretty!
