vendredi 31 janvier 2025



Rachel is hosting the Smalls SAL, on the last Friday of the month everyone is encourage to post about small stitchings and I'd love to join this SAL regularly adding sometimes my small DIY.

Smalls SAL est organisé par Rachel et nous propose de montrer nos petites broderies. J'aimerai bien y participer régulièrement et ainsi avoir un nouveau rendez-vous sur le blog le dernier vendredi du mois en y ajoutant quelque fois mes petits bricolages.

Before updating my smalls SAL post, Mrs Mouse has something to show you. You already know that she and her husband rent a small room on my hall shelf. She has decorated her place for Christmas and was thankfull to Soline for her new paper Christmas tree and likes as much her new wool tree. But she was sad her dining table looks more like a terrace one than a shabby one, so she asks for a tableclothe. Easy to find a nice fabric a bit festive, cut a round shape and when went the time to stitch a hem she insisted that nobody would mind if I glued the round edge instead of stitching it! 

Will you believe me when I told you that I felt a few seconds guilty with my glue stick (seamstress guilt).

It's the perfect place to post a closer look to the tiniest Advent Calendar I've ever seen!

I bought it last September during our holidays in Alsace. There is an amazing Christmas shop in Riquewihr named  "Käthe Wohlfahrt". I don't buy a lot because most of the goods are often very expensive but I can't resist with miniatures (it's certainly genetic I have a problem with miniature things maybe I drunk a Pishalver potion when I was young without knowing it and it affected my behavior).

It's only  6 cm by  8.5 cm  and have really tiny doors you can open (but I won't).

Mme Souris qui loue avec son époux une étagère dans mon hall d'entrée est heureuse de vous présenter son petit chez soi ambiance de Noël et la nouvelle nappe qui habille désormais sa table.

C'est l'occasion également de vous montrer cet adorable mini calendrier de l'avent acquis chez Käthe Wohlfart lors de notre visite à Riquewihr à l'automne dernier.

For a March birthday card, I'm stitching a bowl of Japanese noodles for DSiL3.

2 commentaires:

  1. Mrs Mouse is such a sweet and considerate tenant! Please tell her I love what the two of you have done with her place.

  2. Mr and Mrs Mouse look very comfy in their room. I wonder if they have sneaked a look in the advent calendar overnight hee hee
