mardi 25 février 2025


Baby boy or baby girl?

We'll know next April...  but for the moment I'm making a birth album.

Ten pages to prepare with old ideas as a link to the first one I made two years ago for the big brother and adding some new ones + maybe some JJ ideas.

Fille ou garçon ?

Nous le saurons en avril prochain... en attendant je prépare un album de naissance, dix pages à décorer en lien avec celui réalisé pour le grand frère, de nouvelles idées y compris peut-être un peu de techniques utilisées en JJ.

I'm keeping the kite page...

Nouvelle version du cerf volant.

The first album had a fork nest and I have chosen this times a swallow Mum and her two kids.

Here is the woven nest

and the two babies

Au lieu du nid de cigognes
cette fois l'album va accueillir
une maman hirondelle et ses petits oisillons

Après avoir tissé ce nid d'angle
ajout de plumes de faisan de mon stock
d'une époque révolue.

I have a full bag of different feathers from a pheasant and I'm not sure I already told you the pheasant story.

I have glued some small feathers

Years ago I worked in an electrical    society and we used to invite some clients to participate to a hunt in Sologne. Usually it was the job of the boss secretary to organise every thing but one year I had to take her place and her boss used to bring her a wild bird.

That's how I found myself with a pheasant on my desk! What do you do in this unexpected situation? I called my Mum! But she wasn't a great cook and finally a collegue told me that I could give it to a charcutier who would make pâtés with it.

So proud to have found one in my one town, I called back my Mum and she asked me : "does the bird have to be plucked". I didn't thought of that! No time to loose, I had to deliver the bird after my work day and before going to the Nanny get my daughters.

Only a lunch break...  so you could have seen a crazy girl in her small car on the supermarket parking plucking a pheasant with energy and a lot of down fluttering around me.

Of course the shopkeeper told me later that it was not needed, I don't regret because every times I need feathers it gave me a good occasion to laugh about that day.

Instead of the baby bed I had the idea of a baby bath.

Again the memory of a birth card, but sometimes between the idea and find the way to do it there could be some distance.

I'm glad with the result : a vintage bath tube shape, a bath foam made with protection  , a faucet made with a handle of a chocolate umbrella.

I have cut a small bath towel with fringes (not very realistic) but I love it.

C'est l'heure du bain,
découpage d'une baignoire
vintage, fabrication de la mousse
de bain à base d'une feuille de 
protection de colis, le robinet
vient d'un manche de parapluie
en chocolat de Pâques !

I had a train on the big brother album and for this one I chose sailing boats. You can take them off and I have add some plush sailors cut in the same serie.

A la place du train, cette fois de petits
voiliers se glissent dans les vagues.

Les mâts et les voiles sont fixes
mais les coques sont mobiles et peuvent ainsi recevoir de petits messages ou photos.

Have you ever seen baby elephants flying, here they are.

Avez-vous déjà vu des éléphanteaux volants (à part Dumbo), voici une bande de quatre suspendus à leur mobile.

Made with the same pattern that my JJ's one, a kind of pocket with a bear head button

Pochette façon JJ, avec un joli bouton bleu nounours
et un autre ourson qui vous accueille dans son  coin sieste

A welcoming Teddy bear going to bed

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