dimanche 8 octobre 2017


Dernière ligne droite pour l'ALPHABET CLUB auquel j'ai participé depuis août 2015 avec beaucoup de plaisir. En léger décalage avec les autres participantes, j'ai repris le cours du dictionnaire en août dernier avec le V. Aujourd'hui, c'est le tour de l'antépénultième lettre de l'alphabet : le X.

I took part in the ALPHABET CLUB since  August 2015  with a great pleasure but had some troubles to keep up in spring. My dictionnary is opened again, I was back with the V in August. Today, it's time for the antepenultimate letter, X.


As on preview posts, I have imagined a scenario for those mensual posts
as the creators of this new event offer us a quite total liberty to how develop them.

My own way will go into worlds of stitching, words, drawings, designs, garden, cooking, music and travels.

Evocation of  a word begining with the letter linked to DIY activities
and personal researches on what you could find in my garden, in my kitchen, on my record player (the vinyl one), in my travel souvenirs.

X   comme  petites croix de point de croix....  cross stitch

To evoke stitching, embroidery, sewing
in the vocabulary book for Timothé

I plan to stick some Aida work on the top of
the page and to add a penguin (perforated paper)
for him to stitch.

X comme  Xmas

It's the first time that I stitch Xmas things all year round, with many projects as Christmas market from Brin par Brin,  Sei Personaggi in cerca di Natale from Cuore e Batticuore, Avvolgente Natale from Serenita di campagna, Xmas tags, etc...

I choosed three WIP I worked on this year for an update :

6PNatale  WIP

the one I stitched for Shelly for Xmas in July Exchange from Kaye

the first I stitched waiting for her frame, the near to be finish after a change of colors for the hat, the WIP.

Marché de Noël de Brin par Brin,

October will be the good month to put them out of the basket with metallics threads.

Quand Noël s'en mêle de Un chat dans l'aiguille

no cross stitches here, but nice embroidery

and Avvolgente Natale which is waiting for his Gold Thread.

X comme X

Une petite évocation d'un autre alphabet celui de Louis Braille

qui perfectionne le Code Barbier pour un faire
un système d'écriture tactile.

Parfait pour le point de noeud.

in the kitchen, dans la cuisine,

on my platine vinyl

  dans le jardin,  in the garden,

quelques clématites grimpent
volontiers sur des palissades

Clematis on some "x"

dans mes souvenirs de voyage,  in my travel souvenirs,


as all the towns named with an X are Chinese!

Les villes dont le nom commence par un X sont en grande majorité chinoises, j'ai donc choisi la ville de Luxembourg traversée quelquefois pour rejoindre Morbach dans le Hunsrück.

Novembre nous donnera l'occasion d'évoquer la lettre Y approchant ainsi de la toute fin du Club Alphabet !
In November, we will be near to the end with the letter Y.

4 commentaires:

  1. Great post, so X-cting to be nearly at the end of your alphabet. Some clever ways of getting X into the themes too. I love the Xs behind the clematis!
    Nice work on the Xmas stitching too.

  2. Très intéressant de voir ton entrée pour le X. Tu as vraiment beaucoup de très jolies broderies pour Xmas :)

  3. Well done on your X post! Love the way you shoe-horned those little Xs into your post ;o)
    Hugs x

  4. just love those Christmas tags. perfect.
