samedi 30 septembre 2017


Premier Quaker terminé, un ouvrage passionnant, très agréable à broder.

My first Quaker is finished, a great work very pleasant to stitch.

C'est un modèle de chez Jardin Privé

Village Quaker, une création de Nathalie Cichon

J'ai seulement fait le choix d'un coloris bleu à la place du gris
DMC 930/932 ; sinon j'ai utilisé les couleurs proposées : DMC 152/3722, 730/733, 3790.

C'est une toile Zweigart  Murano 3984   -  12,6 fils - Blanc antique

I only make one change, from grey to blue, it was so pleasant to just follow the chart in a perfect and happy way just count and stitch, the fabric is really easy to stitch on and I'm very happy with the final result.

I have only now to show it to my grandson, who was very interested in it and helped me stitching some stitches on that little key.

Wish you a very good day!

6 commentaires:

  1. Quel beau projet. Félicitation pour l'avoir terminé.

  2. Such a pretty finish, fabulous colours.

  3. Congratulations on the Happy Dance for your Village Quaker. The colours are beautiful and it's really special that your grandson helped with the stitching too.

  4. What a beautiful finish. I love the colours you chose. It looks very peaceful as I imagine you felt while you were stitching it!

  5. Gorgeous finish! I love the colours :o)
