mercredi 31 juillet 2019
dimanche 28 juillet 2019
ETAPE/STEP 8 - 4/4
Le jouet à trouver était : le jeu de nain jaune
La ville était : SETE dans le département de l'Hérault - 34
The game was : Yellow dwarf game
Indices / clues : 3/4 on the musical stave, sur la portée musicale
Heros = Hérault the department, the yellow on White Snow dress, le jaune de la robe
Sète is an harbour, le port de Sète
Sète = sept/7 = seven, j'ai choisi Sète à cause du "7 qui prend" chosen cause the seven of diamonds "takes" the money.
In this game, five cards are winning money : 7 of diamonds "the yellow dwarf", the 10 of diamonds, the Jack of Clover Lancelot, the Queen of Spades Pallas, the King of Hearts Charles.
When you win; you have to say "Now pay me" and other players pay the winner according to the number of cards they still have in hand.
It was a popular game in the family, easy to play with kids, not too long, no much strategy for mum and sis who were not serious players.
The choice for the characters was obvious :
Prof who is Doc in English,
Simplet is Dopey
Grincheux is Grumpy
Timide is Bashful
Joyeux is Happy
Atchoum (Atishoo) is Sneezy
Dormeur is Sleepy
Place au bricolage : une jolie grille de chez
Some DIY now, free chart
A nice one made by Creativida
Grincheux is Grumpy
Timide is Bashful
Joyeux is Happy
Atchoum (Atishoo) is Sneezy
Dormeur is Sleepy
Some DIY now, free chart
A nice one made by Creativida

Il se répandit dans l'Europe entière et devint populaire jusqu'à la Révolution durant laquelle, en 1792, il est aussi appelé le jeu de Lindor.
Un peu tour chez "Escale à jeux" vous donnera l'occasion de découvrir la petite histoire de ce jeu.
Blanche Neige nous offre avec ses sept partenaires de belles broderies à réaliser :
L'embarras du choix parmi les grilles gratuites chez 7 à la maison "Petites croix et jeux d'aiguilles"
La cosplayeuse Lucioles, à retrouver sur Facebook
DD3 favorite cosplayer Lucioles
Disney Paris dwarves house
Le Wipocalypse SAL donne leur chance à quelques ouvrages d'être terminés avant la fin du monde...
Mon projet pour 2019 a été, suivant l'exemple d'amies brodeuses, de choisir 19 travaux en cours (selon la liste ci-après) et de leur offrir une éventuelle bonne fortune cette année.
proposé par Measi's Musings
Participating again in this SAL since the beginning of 2019, I took as an example some stitching friends who planned a "19 in 19" projects.
Here is my list :
1 - Avvolgente - l'arbre de Noël - Christmas tree
2 - les patins d'argent - skating / 3/4/5/6/7 - personnages de Noël -
8 - AAC oiseau - colin cardinal / 9 - la clef du mystère / keys /10 - la clef des champs / keys
11 - Halloween sous la pluie / 12 - dansons la Capucine / dansing childs
13 - le jeu de l'oie / Goose game
14 - Cda traineau / 15 - CdA St Nicolas / 16 - CdA crèche
17 - loto feutrine / 18 - cuisine pour dinette - feutrine / felt / 19 - dinette Zazobouzi /
11 / 17 are finished, I wrote about 2 here, in "triple axel" post.
The end of June was too busy with my granddaughter birthday but since I have finished "2".
I have focused on 14 / 15 / 16, three of the four scenes of "Quand Noël s'en mêle" from "Un chat dans l'aiguille".
I work on this Christmas board from February 2016, 25 colors, 23 different stitches, four scenes to embroid and then I'll have to sew them on a large red fabric after finish the patterns on the panel.
A little flash back to re-introduce the project
Voici une petite présentation du kit Quand Noël s'en mêle pour rappel de ce projet sur lequel j'ai travaillé ces dernières semaines pour finaliser bientôt trois des quatre scènes à broder.
First goal : finish the colored threads then use the silver/gold metallic threads. I'll have to wash the pieces before sewing some tiny felt pieces.
Some details of the WIP on Santa,
gifts decorations, Santa's coat, stars,
On Nativity scene, stars,
Melissa gives us a topic : How do you get yourself out of a stitching drought?
Never felt some ideas drought, since I'm a kid every day dozens of ideas come to me. Many notebooks full of notes, drawings, ideas to upgrade or change things I have bought.
Magazines, books, family know-how - thanks to Granny, Mum and Dad - were a good fertilizer and with internet now "no comment".
If there is a small drop in courage just switch from cross stitching to knitting, to embroidery, to drawing, to scrapbooking, to crochet, to watercolor, to writing, to photography, to any new diy work.....
the horn of abondance...
the horn of abondance...
To conclude, always our little wink to the Moon and of course in this anniversary month of the first step on our satellite, a tribute to Hergé....
samedi 27 juillet 2019
jeudi 25 juillet 2019
mercredi 24 juillet 2019
dimanche 21 juillet 2019
ETAPE/STEP 7 - 4/4
Le jouet à trouver était : le bureau de poste
La ville : ARNAC LA POSTE dans le département de la Haute-Vienne (87).
The toy was : the post office
The town was : ARNAC LA POSTE in Haute-Vienne 87
Clues : 87 on the carpet, vocabulary : timbrée (=stamped which can mean here crazy), posted, delivery, bags of mail.
It is the same in Great Britain, looking for informations I found this map and some examples :
as Dull (UK) is twinned with Boring (Oregon).
Giggleswick (Settle NY) is the sister city of
Banyuls sur mer in Pyrenées.
Popular toy in the 60's I got post office sets on Christmas day.
Mum used to make me extra stamps with gummed paper perforated with the sewing machine and tiny parcels.
Bien sûr il y a de magnifiques timbres sur la broderie
alors pourquoi de ne pas broder des timbres ?
Many lovely stamps on embroidery so why not stitch stamps.,1052446.asp
I love papers, letters, decorated envelopes, stamps, wax seals, write with an old pen-holder (I learned to write with ink and pen-holder (not quill pen I'm not that old), now they call it "callygraphy" equipment!.
Remember my display for my Bayeux embroidery.
Of course, I am very interested by artmail, so when I received from Debbie this amazing envelope it was quite a surprise!
Il me reste beaucoup à découvrir
concernant l'artmail
Le jeu du facteur a eu beaucoup de succès auprès des filles et il est facile à confectionner "maison".
Amusant de fabriquer ces minis enveloppes personnalisées avec les noms de la famille, décorées sur les thèmes de Noël, Halloween par exemple et pourquoi pas des journaux et magazines modèles réduits.
The postman game was a great joy for the girls and it's easy to DIY, tiny envelopes, painted numbers on a cardboard, moving arrow. Funny to personalize with family names, decorated envelopes with Halloween, Christmas themes, mini newspapers or magazines.
I already made some of them for upcoming DIY gifts.
J'ai commencé à fabriquer de mini-enveloppes avec les modèles de la maison, il me reste à construire une grande boîte postale et le plateau de présentation des chiffres avec la flèche.
Still have to build the mail box and the board with numbers and an arrow to be ready for first school class next autumn.
The French post office now offers new services, postman can take care of your old parents visiting them regularly! On the other hand the price of stamps have exploded, sending letters and postcards has become a luxury (don't talk about a parcel in Europe first price : 15 €) and the letters still needed four days to cross the river! I'm far from the world of cheap mail exchanges I wish for.
Stay posted!
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