samedi 5 octobre 2019


Après avoir bourdonner le mois dernier le blog va ronronner ce mois-ci grâce au thème du rendez-vous du premier samedi du mois : les chats.

Pas de soucis cette fois pour trouver des travaux illustratifs les chats fréquentant très souvent mes toiles à broder.

Avec un thème si populaire, nul doute que visitant le blog de Jo grace à ce lien vous pourrez y admirer de belles broderies :

After buzzing last month, the blog will be purring this month thanks to the theme of the first Saturday of the month: cats.

No worries this time to find illustrative works for the cats who very often frequent the charts of cross stitching.

With such a popular theme, no doubt that visiting Jo's blog with this link you will admire beautiful embroideries.

"Une famille formidable" d'IsaHV est le dernier ouvrage que j'ai réalisé présentant de forts sympathiques chats et qui attends une finition peut-être un coussin.

My last stitching with cats is waiting for a finish (maybe a pillow)

Special dedicated to grand parents who take care of their grandchildren, (means something like "we are great grandparents  but don't push too far.. we are not a nursery's school!)

DD2 is a great fan of cats, so those "cats fantastik" were made for her.

This choir too.

Also this sewing pouch for scissors from "un chat dans l'aiguille"

Cats for Christmas...  one from the Brooke's books advent animals collection free chart for my "skate serie"

One of the six stalls from Christmas market  "Brin d'un jour"

Kitty dreaming of a white Christmas

Can't miss to post (again) our neighbour's cat sleeping on my fabric...

A tiny one sitting comfortably in my cross stitched house

Now, what is on my wishing list...

Dans ma liste de projets figure cette magnifique couverture faite de tissus recyclés façon chat de chez Trousse Cadette

This chart from I. Vautier I bought some months ago planned for 2020
(must buy the right fabric for it)

This lovely fabric waiting for the good idea

You know we love kites and often go to the Dieppe International Festival
so we are used to see cats flying...

This one will shine with leds for the Saturday's night show

 Natacha !

au jardin du vent

les chats ponts
et les cats quarts

During our holidays, we visited Ypres (Ieper), the "Kattenstoet" is a big parade devoted to the cats (every 3 years in the city)

Le cortège des chats est un événement organisé à Ypres tous les trois ans, parade de chars et festivités, en attendant l'édition future de 2021

Waiting for 2021 parade you can find some cats in the window store 
I'll be back in Ypres in a next post (we went to the 1st war monument, very moving visit)

famous Belgian chocolate

Some pics from the internet of 2018 parade

Un dernier clin d'oeil aux vacances, visite du musée "La Piscine" à Roubaix
accueillis par ce chat géant El Gato (emblème de l'art populaire mexicain)

Dans ce musée, le plaisir d'admirer ce tableau peint par Jules LeRoy, amusant de retrouver en vrai cette toile que j'ai souvent envoyé en carte d'anniversaire...

Last link to our holidays, the visit of Roubaix museum "La Piscine"  -the pool-
I hope to be able to post about it soon because it was amazing
El Gato the big mexican cat welcoming us
and the painting of Jules LeRoy funny to see the real one (I used to send it
as birthday card to cat lovers friends)

5 commentaires:

  1. Cute cats! I love the little scissors case.

  2. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I love your cat designs, especially the cat choir and the scissor keep. The little house is adorable and I love the triptych you are planning for next year. Lovely to see the visiting cat, what a beauty.
    You do win the award for the Cat Festival, what an amazing event!

  3. Gosh what a great post!
    Absolutely love, love, love the scissor case, and the stitched house too!
    Barbara xx

  4. An interesting article. I would have loved to attend that parade. AriadnefromGreece!

  5. Oh wow, so many wonderful cats... stitched cats and parade cats, I love it!
