All about Wipocalypse is explained here by Melissa :
My program for 2020 can be found here :
Here is my "20 in 20" list ; voici ma liste :
3/ L'oiseau - cardinal bird - 4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game - 5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons - 7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/ Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set - FINISHED - 9/ Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats - 12/ La parisienne - The Parisian - 13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds - 15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball - 17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls - 19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric - 20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops
Especially focused on new projects for my March Wipocalypse
12 - La parisienne -
last month |
March update |
16 - Snowball
Some progress on the tree, I stitched some parts of the holly bouquet, "Joyeux Noël" and I'm a bit surprised cause the instructions asked for a chain stitch with ecru overjeté. The one I made is so small to be ok with the pattern's scale, I have no idea how I will manage this and be able to put an ecru thread over the dark red one.
17 - J'avais très envie de reprendre la confection de vêtements pour des poupées mannequin, mon stock de tissus doit être revu à la baisse et les tutos proposés sur le net devraient me permettre de réaliser des robes avec des coupes faciles à accessoiriser grâce à des rubans, fleurs, perles...
Un patron de base pour couper les jupes de robes de soirée avec bustier pour quelques tissus fleuris.
I wanted to start making clothes for model dolls again, my stock of fabrics has to be reduced and the tutos offered on the net should allow me to make dresses with cuts easy to accessorize with ribbons, flowers, beads ...
A basic pattern to cut the skirts for evening dresses with bustier.
Le modèle de ce mois-ci est dans l'esprit de Noël, du rouge associé avec de la laine Bubble qui apporte une belle brillance et un effet blanc neige;
I have already started a series of ponchos knitting and crochet on the basis of an assembled rectangle then completed with a collar, some pretty fringes in finishing.
This month's pattern is in the Christmas spirit, red combined with Bubble wool which brings a nice shine and a snow white effect;
18 - Félix et Violette n°2 - Découpe des silhouettes et de la literie
I have cut Félix, his scarf, bag, pillow and duvet and Violette n°2,
La garde-robe de Félix.
Voici la couette et son oreiller, le sac à dos et l'écharpe.
Topic for the month : Have you ever adopted a piece from someone else or gave up a piece to someone else? Which piece and why?
I don't remember gave up a piece to someone else, no friends or close family sharing diy only my mum stitched (cross stitch) when she retired. We shared knitting sometimes for DH, wool jacket once because it was a big piece. But as we don't knit the same way (I was teached by my grandmother), if I knitted a rank after her you'll see it.
I think my sister gave me years ago some wool with a short started project, it's somewhere probably in the attic (will be part of my "organizing my stash").
Back to my needles... Stay safe at home.