samedi 12 décembre 2020


New report on this year Christmas projects, tiny DIY stitching, knitting, sewing...  theme.

I remembered DD2 was a great fan of Christmas sweaters. I discovered that many people knit some tiny pullovers to hang on the tree. I might try it - in crochet - knitting explanations are already too hard to understand in French so I turned to felt and made small sweaters.

Une nouveauté cette année parmi les petites décorations faites maison sur le thème des travaux manuels : le pullover de Noël. Base de feutrine brodé au point de bourdon en perlé DMC puis ajout du motif : couronne, sapin, guirlande et tête de renne.

Then come the time of the not too ugly decorations... I have made my own patterns for a wreath, a tree, a reindeer, garlands.

I'm pleased with this result and only get troubles with the coat hanger.  I didn't want to buy new metal thread, the one I used for tricotin was too large, the multi colored  too thin, and I tested clips too without success.

Voici mes préférés...   Here are my favorite...

Mes deux derniers motifs sont un bonhomme de pain d'épice et bonnet de gnome.

Two others patterns with a gingerbread man and a gnome cap.

It looks more like an alien and will probably win the ugly sweater contest anyway it was really fun to make.

Ce petit dernier a un petit côté martien quoiqu'il en soit c'était très drôle à fabriquer.

6 commentaires:

  1. They are fantastic, you're very clever to think of these ideas and make everything.

  2. I adore these tiny jumpers, what a fun idea! I think the reindeer are my favourite too.

  3. You are patient to work with small pieces like these. They are very good.

  4. I think these are brilliant!
    It’s always so hard to find wire just the right size for making little things like this.
    You have such great ideas. I absolutely love them all!
    Barbara xx

  5. These are so adorable, all of them have turned out great! I think I like the reindeer the best too!

  6. These are so adorable, all of them have turned out great! I think I like the reindeer the best too!
