mercredi 28 avril 2021


 Well, it won't be a monthly report obviously, more a little show at the beginning of the quater but you'll find on Measi's blog the bloggers who are participating in the Wipocalypse SAL :

Ma participation au Wipocalypse prend plutôt l'allure d'un rapport trimestriel, donc voici quelques avancées sur les projets phares de cette années.

Dans la série les oiseaux brodeurs de chez Brin d'un jour, ma broderie est terminée. Quelques rattrapages dus à une erreur de placement de ma ligne supérieure un rang trop haut. C'est le deuxième motif que je brode donc peut-être le quatrième de couverture d'un futur porte-aiguilles.

I had to adjust the pattern because of an early error I didn't see and didn't understand checking why I got troubles with the place of the bird or the leaves.

It is the second pattern of this serie that I stitched, so maybe I'll use it for a cover of a needle holder.

My other WIP is "Knitting in quilt" - Cuore e Batticuore

I have finished the three sheeps on the right and started the knitting sheep.
I frogged the stripes thinking I was wrong but I was right so had to re-stitch them.

As I have received my first dose of vaccine, I should have ask for a little additive against miscounting.

I love those sheeps patterns

and wish I'll find a way to use

their adorable looks again

maybe on cards.

Vous surprenez Adèle Blanc-Sec en plein travail, elle peaufine ses articles en buvant beaucoup de thé et en parcourant (sur des supports plus virtuels) nombre de publications sur les peintres sujets de ses recherches.

Voilà pour cette participation au Wipocalypse du mois d'avril. Pour finir et répondre à la question du mois, je me trouve moins concentrée et donc moins productive pendant cette pandémie. Cette période bizarre où les règles changent toutes les semaines et où nos petites réalisations semblent si peu importantes au vu de la bonne santé de nos proches.

To conclude with the question of the month : Have you found yourself to be more or less productive in your stitching during the Covid-19 pandemic?

I feel less focused on my projects so less productive, maybe it's the context of Covid and rules which are changing every week, you can go out - you can't, you can go shopping - you can't, you can go over 10 km - you can't. You spend your days to worry for the health of your loved ones so your little DIY things look so unimportant I need a real big goal like Christmas or gifts for my grandchildren to be motivated.

1 commentaire:

  1. I love the Sewing Birds and that wonderful knitting sheep!
    I've just had to change when I stitch to adapt to my son being at home and needing me more.
