samedi 4 septembre 2021



This SAL is the baby of Jo, every first Saturday of the new month

The theme of the post is chosen by stitchers and for September on FB, it's

I sew since the 70's, younger I have sewn a lot of clothes for myself, I hope I'll be back soon, in the meanwhile I make dresses for Capucine and her doll.

Nous voici en septembre avec un nouveau thème qui est la couture, de ma garde robe personnelle à celle des poupées, j'ai cousu de nombreux vêtements, mais aussi, des nappes, rideaux, coussins, tout un assortiment de décorations.

and...    table clothes, napkins, table ornaments, toy plates

curtains, blankets, cushions,

bags, lot of bags,

dolls, books, necklaces,

food and trees,

angels, snowmen, fairy, wizards, unicorn, mermaid...

fée, sorciers, sirène, licornes, bonhommes de neige.

lotto games, masks, make up remover squares

jeu de loto, masques, carrés de démaquillage

animals as varied as camels, frog, dog, mice, cat, fox, elephant, parrot, birds, owls, fishes, seahorse, lobster, octopussy, rabbit, goose and many others.

et voici une galerie animalière assez complète !

Plus récemment les voiles d'un bateau,

and some weeks ago the sails of a boat.

I don't only use needles so let talk about sewing machines...

Couture à l'aiguille ou à la machine.

A new ornament  on the Christmas tree last year,

Pour une décoration thématique cette nouveauté de Noël 2020

nous retrouvons tout naturellement une couturière parmi les thèmes abordés dans mon jeu de l'oie personnalisé

On my "personalized" goose game, of course a sewing machine.

4 commentaires:

  1. WOW! What a delightful post. I loved looking at all your sewing gems.

  2. I can't believe one person made such a variety of things! I loved seeing all your projects!

  3. Gorgeous sewing Nadine, what a lot of different things you have stitched and interesting toys for children and grandchildren. So clever.

  4. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I knew this would be an incredible post from you! So many beautiful projects I really can't pick a favourite. Your grandchildren are so lucky to have so many lovely toys.
