samedi 15 octobre 2022



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

    Last month, there was pie on the GG menu
but it was to be served on the 17th precisely so I couldn't post
all about it, so it's now times to come to details...

I'm coming back with my oven mitts!

The idea of a pie came and I chose different fillings :
fruits maybe apples, a lattice pie crust,
meringue and chocolate of course

Plutôt qu'un gâteau d'anniversaire, pourquoi pas une tarte
les détails de fabrication devant être gardés pour ce mois-ci
pour ne pas les dévoiler trop tôt.

This embossed paper kept from a delivery, in my paper boxe
didn't expect to become a chocolate pie,
it has be painted in brown with sewed beads
as sugar in brown and white tiny sticks

Ce papier récupéré dans un emballage gaufré
sera parfait peint couleur chocolat et agrémenté de perles
de rocaille bâtonnets brun glacé et blanc

Then a purple mirror paper for the lattice crust red fruits pie

apple slices / tranches de pomme

Deux papiers miroir en violet pour la tarte fruits rouge avec croisillons
et un vert menthe décoré avec 4 petites meringues

A celebration word glued in each piece of pie

Dans chaque part de tarte, un petit mot pour célébrer l'évenement
le tout reconstitué sur une assiette au motif de citrons
et servi avec une serviette brodée d'initiales 

I have cut a plate with lemon in my magazine
to presente the pie (the four pieces are attached together)

As I have embroidered her initials, you have guessed now
for whom was that pie!  Yummy!

I'm still knitting wool squares for DD3  BOO  cover
I have finished ranks 2 - 3 - 4    (pinned together)

rank 5  is  17 / 18
ranks 6 to 16 are already sewed and I'm hiding the leftover threads
rank 17 is   6  / 18
ranks 1 and 18 are still not totally defined, there are supposed
to be knitted in blue but I have to check on the wool balls left
I don't want to order more wool if I still have enough
mixing white/pink/black/blue to reach the 36 needed squares

Christmas gifts/ornaments/cards are already on my GG list

This year I will made some new felt ornies
like the electrical garland I have seen on the net
funny idea with all the energy saving tips we have on TV each day

The big question is hand sewing or machine sewing
For DD3 I want smiling light bulbs

I must be wise too and not ignore the unfinished works
I started last year (cats, wreaths...)

Right place to introduce to you Mochi, 
this little Mademoiselle is now living in DD3 home

I had my second surgery yesterday morning
left eye more painful then the right one and
now I have totally lost the close view without glasses I had
(used every day to read, sew, draw, work on the PC etc...)
but recover a clear view far with those implants!
Would be great to have arms of 2 m long to stitch!

One more month to wait for the new glasses
in the meantime I'll try to use my magnifying glass
on short embroidery sessions to avoid headaches!

8 commentaires:

  1. I hope your eye heals quickly, you amaze me with all your crafts, not just the skill but how much you do.

  2. It's always fun to visit your blog, you are so creative in your creations! Your pie is fabulous! The lightbulbs are adorable! I hope your eye heals quickly, but again, another creative solution so you can see to stitch! You're amazing!

  3. I do hope your eye heals quickly. I love to see all your stitching, you are so imaginative in all your projects. Love those light bulbs!
    Barbara xx

  4. I hope you recover quickly from your operation. Your craftwork is delightful, and so creative, as usual. That is a beautiful cat which has joined your extended family.

  5. That felt garland looks a good idea especially with the faces. Love and best wishes for a quick recovery from your eye surgery. xx

  6. Ooops, didn’t mean to comment anonymously - I’m Barbara from The Flashing Scissors 😁🙋‍♀️👍 I expect you guessed that though. 😊

  7. The pie is adorable. It really turned out nice. Love the idea of your felt bulbs, very cute. Anxious to see your knit squares coming along.

  8. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I absolutely loved my Pie! I didn’t realised the little sentiments were under each piece the first time I looked at it!
    Hope your eye is recovering now.
