samedi 14 mai 2016


In the previous post, I showed you some pics of our trip to Provence

I use to organize to myself a challenge during holidays in addition to traditional pics. I find a theme and try to photograph things linked to it (it can be a shape, find things with a round shape in the city, in architecture, in whatever you want, a color : find everything blue)

Thinking about my theme on the road to Provence, the purple color came as Prince was on the radio...

so many tones : violet, purple, lavander, mauve... tant de coloris

To begin,  exhibition around vine

perfect  color gradation   in Suze-la Rousse

candies and lavander bag in Vaison la Romaine 
(look pink and blue on the pics but were really more purple!)

 j'ai plus d'un tour dans mon sac
I have more tricks in my bag

Isle sur Sorgue,  parasol et chaises/chairs en terrasse


glycine en balcon
wisteria on balcony

vieux magasin de jouets

old toys shop in Nyons

very thin purple asparagus   (so delicious cooked with olive oil)

et enfin, ce superbe vitrail de la paroisse St Bach à Suze la Rousse
Finally this magnificent stained-glass window
in St Bach church

Back to greyness, cloudy sky and humidity unfortunately,
Too chilly to have a lunch on the terrace or a barbecue and gardening with the rain and wind is just good to get a cold. That means needles, pencils and paintbrushes will be on the table. How nice!

La grisaille du ciel n'engage pas à jardiner, déjeuner en terrasse avec un bon barbecue, mais cela veut dire aussi que les aiguilles, crayons et pinceaux seront sur la table de travail. Sympa !   A+

4 commentaires:

  1. Great photos! I love that purple wisteria. My Grandma has some on her porch, it always looks gorgeous and smells fantastic.

  2. Beautiful photos. I love the idea of a colour theme too. I am saving that idea for the Alphabet Club if I can't think of another theme LOL

  3. Clever purple themed photos! :o)
    Hugs xx

  4. Ces couleurs sont toutes parmi mes couleurs préférées. Quelles jolies photos. J'aime bien celle qui montre le petit magasin de jouets.
