The answer could be : the blogger in the hall with a shoehorn!
as I got a little off the topic, but before books could find their readers, the information circulated with images.
no the answer is.... the stitcher with the scissors in the library!
La réponse est.... la brodeuse avec les ciseaux dans la bibliothèque quoiqu'elle aurait pu être la blogueuse dans l'entrée avec le chausse-pied vu que je me suis un peu éloignée de mon sujet principal, mais avant que les livres ne se démocratisent et parviennent à tous les lecteurs, l'information a d'abord circulé sous forme d'images.
Bienvenue à / Welcome to EPINAL
Department Vosges, number : 88 (corde/rope) 12/1
Letters were hidden, les lettres cachées dans les personnages : 12/2
Mme Leblanc : I (face/joue-oreille) A (pli du tissu sur l'épaule/fold of fabric on her shoulder)
Colonel Moutarde : P dans la main/in his hand L (sur sa veste/on his jacket)
Révérend Olive : E poche de la veste/jacket pocket N (pli creux bras/box pleat sleeve)
well known for " L'imagerie d'Epinal "
Jean-Charles Pellerin, maître cartier, fonde l'imagerie en 1796.
Images, affiche retraçant des faits historiques, cartes à jouer, lythographie, découpages pour enfants, affichette de propagande,
Epinal prints were prints on popular subjects rendered in bright sharp colours, sold in France in the 19th century. They own their name to the fact that the first publisher of such images, Jean-Charles Pellerin, having been born in Epinal, named the printing house he founded in 1796 "IMAGERIE D'EPINAL";
The expression "image d'Epinal" has become proverbial in French and refers to an emphatically traditionalist and naive depiction of something, showing only its good aspects.
Petit clin d'oeil à la version PC de ce fameux jeu
Epinal is well known for the "Imagerie" when we were young we got some "guessing where is" pictures
Quelques célèbres devinettes d'Epinal.
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Kids come back home, I can see the hunter |
Un peu d'histoire... le colporteur... premier porteur de nouvelles
Well done. This round was a tough one. It's good that you keep the group on their toes.
RépondreSupprimerI guessed Cluedo but had no idea other than that! :o)