mardi 2 mai 2017


Back from Provence, my traditionnal photography safari
I used to give to myself a kind of challenge, try to find places to photograph (like a photo safari) with a particular theme. This time an easy theme to choose, dedicated to Thomas Pesquet I follow on Facebook during his Space adventure.


Dédicace à Thomas Pesquet dont je suis la page Facebook pendant son séjour spatial, les étoiles seront le thème de mon concours photo pendant ma semaine provencale.

 All girls are born equal, but the best one are born in May! (Happy Birthday to me!)

Thank to New Zealand team to participate in my challenge.

one on the floor, one on the jeep

Thanks to the Sun, the star at the center of the Solar System for his help.
(It was too busy to help me that it forgot to raise the mercury in the thermometer).
Merci au Soleil pour son aide rayonnante mais peu réchauffante !

3 commentaires:

  1. Very cool idea to photograph with a theme. I need to do that more often.

  2. This is a wonderful idea. I am impressed by the number of stars you found too.

  3. What a beautiful and interesting place to visit!
