dimanche 21 mai 2017


Theme-tas-stitch is an event organized by Kerry

Monochrome May

Choose a colour and stitch on your projects that contain that one colour.

De la blancheur des clochettes de muguet, découvrons les ouvrages participant à ce mois de mai monochrome.

May I introduce you my choice for this theme-tas-stitch update :  B5200 DMC.

Like lily of the valley, this past month, the main colour of my projects was white.

you can found in...

Tra la la

I finished all the white stitches

a white collar rabbit with blue eyes

mon lapin a recouvré la vue
et enfilé un joli col blanc

Patins d'argent

I already have stitched a lot of white and the update looks like a green update, no, no,

a challenge remains a challenge
there are three woolen hats for the birds and three pompoms... so

I added 3 x 4  stitches in white. That's a deal!

Déjà beaucoup de blanc brodé sur Patins d'Argent, mais quoique j'ai avancé sur le vert des branches, j'ai néanmoins ajouté  3 x 4 points de couleur blanche, pour les pompons des bonnets des oiseaux.

Ce fût également l'occasion de ressortir "dentelles"
et de démonter le dernier rang, la grille choisie
est trop compliquée, à revoir.

An occasion to let come out of the basket, "dentelles"  "lace"
the pattern of the last rank was not a good choice,
so some frogging of white B5200.

A new mysterious start

A new goose in the goose game

To finish this theme-tas-stitch post, the big smile of my ghost

Mon gentil fantôme a un bien large sourire maintenant.

Smile and stitch!    Souriez et brodez !

6 commentaires:

  1. Wow, that's a lot of white stitching! I love the lace pattern. It's beautiful.

  2. You have stitched so many projects What a perfect Monochrome May

  3. What a great Monochrome May! I love your smiley ghost and the rabbit with its sweet white collar. Well done!

  4. Great monochrome May stitching! White or variations are white of not my favourites to stitch with but so your stitching looks lovely that it may be making me love white again!! :o)
    Hugs x

  5. Tant de projets pour le Monochrome May.
