dimanche 28 janvier 2018


Les marchés de Noël ont fermé leurs portes il y a déjà longtemps, mais ma broderie "Brin par brin" me garde dans l'ambiance festive des fêtes de fin d'année...
Ma petite ourse se plait sur son stand de bougies

Good progress on my sixth stall of Christmas market from "Brin par brin"

I haven't post about the Christmas markets we visited during our holidays in Alsace.
Too many pictures, how to make a choice?  Here are some little houses selling hat, cake, hot wine, wreath...

the famous black Alsatian head-dress



3 commentaires:

  1. The markets look lovely, we keep saying we will visit one of the French or German markets one year

  2. The Christmas Markets look wonderful. Even the stallholders dress up in traditional costumes!

  3. Your little mouse in his market stall looks very cute
