dimanche 30 août 2020


WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's musings, everyone shows the projects we want to finish before the end of the world.

The place we share for this monthly show is here :


I know now that 20 in 20" was totally crazy  well here is my unrealistic list ; 
Choisir le 20 en 2020 était (je le sais maintenant) totalement irréaliste, quoiqu'il en soit voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields) -  2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird -  4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game  -  5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons  -  7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set   - FINISHED  -  9/  Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats  -  12/ La parisienne - The Parisian  -  13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds  -  15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball  -  17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls   FINISHED -  19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric  -  20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

Rafraîchissant en pleine canicule de travailler sur la boule à neige, si vous avez un peu chaud il suffit de renverser l'ouvrage et vous vous sentez mieux !

Refreshing in the heat wave to work on the snow globe (16), if you're a bit hot just flip it over and you feel better!

Nice progress on the house (roof, window, door), on the outside white line of the globe, some silver threads on the tree and I begun the sand point which will fill the "ground".

Some chain points too on one ball on the red fabric.

The Parisian (12) went under the magnifying lamp last week (no pic), I stitched the top of the dress with one thread while I choose to stitch the skirt with two, we'll see if it works.

The question of the month is about Mystery SAL, never did that, it sounds great and funny. I'll check on other blogs participating in Wipocalypse to discover your projects.

4 commentaires:

  1. Your Snowglobe is lovely, I really like the swirly tree.
    The bauble on the red looks great too.

  2. Lovely work on your snow globe. I tend to do the SALs the following g year once I can see the finished project

  3. Lovely work on your snow globe, the close ups look amazing =)
