dimanche 7 novembre 2021


 What a great choice for November theme... funny!

I hope our posts will make you laugh or at least smile...

That's quite a challenge, let's search in my memories some crafts and stitchings which could do the job!

First, as I had my grandchildren at home three days last week during the holidays, this one which said something like : we are rocking grandparents but don't push it, we are not a nursery!

Timothé et sa soeur sont venus passés quelques jours pendant les vacances, voici donc la parfaite illustration de ces bons moments ensemble.

Then I chose to share this pattern from Frimousse, it's a rhyme about a children funny dance. As I remember, we had to dance, turn and squat, of course they were always someone falling.

My granddaughter is named "Capucine" (which means nasturtium flower is an old firstname coming back those last twenty years).

Restons avec nos petits-enfants, ma petite-fille s'appelle Capucine, c'est pourquoi parmi les grilles de comptines dessinées par Frimousse, celle-ci était toute indiquée pour fabriquer une jolie trousse. De mémoire, quand les danseurs devaient s'accroupir il y en a toujours un qui tombait en faisant rire ses compagnons.

It can be funny (and safe) to find the exit of the labyrinth...

Amusant de se promener dans le labyrinthe et surtout d'en retrouver la sortie.

Animals can be funny too,  cats, pinguins, rabbits

During my "tours de France", I try to post some funny guys with jokes... not always easy to translate.

où comment Saquedeneu (sac de noeud) se transforme non pas en Bouldeneu mais en pelote de laine.

how I made Tangela we call "bag of knots" evolving into a wool ball (knots ball).

Les lapins crétins sont connus pour être blagueurs bien sûr.

Raving rabbits... stupid... but chaos can be fun!

Who hasn't already sat on pins?

Another funny cartoon, adventures of "Mimi Cracra" created by Agnès Rosenfield, DD1 was a big fan as a young girl so I stitched her on her "25" years birthday cushion.

Notre chère et facétieuse Mimi Cracra, grande amie de notre fille ainée.

1 commentaire:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. You have made me smile with your funny post! My Mum agreed with you, she was happy to have my son to stay overnight but once a week was enough!
