samedi 1 janvier 2022



Looking in my stamps books I found this stamp from 2015 and thought it would be perfect for the first post of this very new year.

First Saturday of January means that I have to post about a topic chosen by our stitching friends. This SAL is run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, it's about what you want to see on the blog. 

The result of the votes for January was : "Designer of 2022".

Good question, can I add an "s" and introduce you to two designers currently on my worktable I wanted to keep on the top of the list this year.

I have two cross stitches from Cuore & Batticuore to finish, one is almost done : it's knitting quilt.  I have only a small tree to re-stitch (and all the back stitching).

I thought I didn't have enough of the green DMC 3347 color left and switch to another really close green thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. But I don't like the result and knowing it's not the right color is upsetting me. So I'll have to frog and be ready to face the first big challenge of this new year "will less than 1 m of DMC thread 6 strand be enough for this pattern". What an adventurous life!

The second is "Un"amaca in Due"  and as I haven't post a kind of recap,
let's show you where I was at the end of 2021.

It's "summer hammock for two".

Cuore e Baticuore, designer italien, est l'auteur des deux grilles "en cours", la première est presque terminée, problème existentiel autour du DMC 3347 pour un petit arbuste qu'il me faudra rebroder avant de commencer les points arrières. 

La deuxième "un hamac pour deux" a été commencée en août dernier pendant les JO de Tokyo. 

The other designer I'll work on will be : 

Brooke's Book's 

I keep on embroidering on cardboard.

my current project is  Spirit of Mrs Claus.

La broderie sur carton trouvera également
sa place sur ma table de travail cette année.

And I have received as gifts two other patterns I'd like to work on soon.

I haven't yet make lists of my 2022 goals, kid's gifts and close Olympic Games will be on the top, neglected stitchings and frames have to find their places as well as paintbrushes and knitting needles.

Dans les prochains jours, crayons et gommes pour mettre au propre les listes de souhaits pour 2022, avec bien sûr des cadeaux pour les enfants, les prochains JO en ligne de mire, une pensée pour les ouvrages délaissés et les finitions d'encadrement, sans oublier pinceaux et aiguilles à tricoter.

See you in February with snow (on the blog) because The People already chose it!

1 commentaire:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. That stamp is perfect for the SAL, especially the post so close to New Year!
    I like both your designers, I have stitched a few of Brooke's designs myself including her entire alphabet!
