samedi 21 mai 2022


We made a nice trip in the first days of May and I haven't posted about it. On Monday we went to Saint Fargeau for a walk in the small town, a lunch in the restaurant "Le Gogaille"

Petit tour dans Saint Fargeau, déjeuner sur la terrasse du Gogaille.

and the visit of the castle.

Le faux marbre  // faux marble painting

The library - la bibliothèque

La salle des gardes  -  Guards / fencing room

Allez...   je serai mieux dans les forêts !

Une ballade, ça vous botte ?

Le grenier aux jouets    -   Toys attic

Lots of trains and boats

The small kitchens I have dreamed of when I was a kid (and the pigeon shooting I couldn't ask for being a girl!).

Jouet de cuisine dont j'ai rêvé toute ma jeunesse et le fameux tir aux pigeons que je ne pouvais demander étant une fille !

Les écuries  -  the stables

Le Parc

We had a lovely bedroom and

a gorgeous breakfast in 

"la maison de Jeanne d'Arc"

No other guest so we were upgraded

into the Joan of Arc suite

La suite Jeanne d'Arc

Notre deuxième étape était à Guédelon, voir l'article de dimanche.

Our second step was at Guédelon, see you tomorrow.

1 commentaire:

  1. What a lovely place to visit. I like the Toy Attic. Your hotel looks nice too, rather nicer than most places Joan of Arc would have stayed herself!
    Serendipitous Jo
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