samedi 7 janvier 2023



First Saturday of January means that I'd like to post about a topic chosen by our stitching friends. This SAL is run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, it's about what you want to see on the blog.

Designers of 2023

I have some favorite designers as Cuore e Batticuore or Brin par Brin and already many WIPs and patterns from them in my basket.

Those past months have been difficult with the cataract operations. I haven't found back an easy way for cross stitching. For the moment I have to use a magnifying glass which means work on a table. I prefered to stitch comfy in my armchair!

This being said, here is the story of the new pattern I started this week to cheer me up.

There is always some nice threads or patterns on my letter to Santa, this year I could add a special wish. I keep reading books in English as my homework and I read a novel from Tracy Chevalier "the Lady with the unicorn".

This set of tapestries is famous here and I'd love to see them in the Cluny Middle Age Museum in Paris.

So I thought this was a "sign" for a new project and found a kit on Aïda 7 from Princesse.

I love to do sometimes cross stitching or crafting related to historical facts or masterpieces.

I already stitched a character of the Bayeux tapestry (learning the special wool stitch "point de Bayeux" for the occasion) and made a small Mona Lisa.

Santa was good enough to make my dream come true!

The dark red fabric will need magnifying glass but I hope that the result will be nice.

I have chosen "the sight", it's the pattern I like the most in that serie.

Il y a toujours quelques jolis fils ou fournitures de DIY qui viennent se glisser dans ma lettre au Père Noël.

Cette année, la lecture récente de la Dame à la Licorne de Tracy Chevalier a semé quelques graines et l'étude des dessins des tapisseries m'a donné envie de broder un des modèles. 

Mon choix s'est donc porté sur la vue, ce modèle est de chez Princesse sur Aïda 7.

Je débute donc par le milieu de l'ouvrage et donc le cou de la licorne.

Le tissu est d'un très joli rouge lie de vin, par contre trop foncé pour pouvoir le broder sans la lumière de ma loupe, hélas les implants contre la cataracte me privent de ma vue naturelle de près. Donc obligation d'être installée à la table de travail pour cet ouvrage.

Très contente de retrouver le plaisir de broder un motif avec un lien historique comme lorsque j'ai appris le point de Bayeux en brodant un personnage de la tapisserie ou La Joconde grâce à une grille gratuite trouvée chez Jo.

It's a 30 x 40 cm design, here are some other patterns (the cost of the kit is around 35-60 euros).

But if you want to stitch the biggest tapestry "A mon seul désir", I have found on internet a kit from Luc Creation : 160 x 135 cm for only 969 euros! I'm sorry it's not anymore available for sale today!

Chez Princesse, vous pouvez également trouver les autres sens dont l'odorat et l'ouie montrés ci-dessus, pour la blague j'ai même trouvé chez Luc Creation le plus grand panneau "A mon seul désir" 160 x 135 cm pour la modique somme de 969 euros... non dispo à la vente... dommage...

Vous aurez régulièrement des nouvelles de cet ouvrage puisque ces caractéristiques le font entrer dans la catégorie cadeaux et ainsi participer au Gifted Gorgeousness.

You'll be able to follow the progress on this pattern as it's a gift and this characteristic makes it eligible for the Gifted Gorgeousness post!

2 commentaires:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing this one come together, it's going to be beautiful!

  2. Thanks for taking part in The People’s Choice this month. I absolutely love these tapestries, always have done. In fact I have an unfinished wool tapestry for one of them. From many years ago! I need to try think where it is.
    I also have a cross stitch chart for them as well. Maybe I should dig that out too.
    Serendipitous Jo
