mercredi 15 février 2023



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Once again this year I'll try to send homemade birthday cards, so I had to think about two February birthdays and decided to make "handybag" cards. One almost like the one I made for DD3 last September using the same cardboards and another with pink colors.

Both purses have pockets which will receive perfume bottles, glasses, pencils (same patterns I already made).

and some new accessories.

This time I made a "mirror - blush" 
with felt

a nail polish bottle

always useful to keep some scraps of golden threads, just enough to make a small brush.

and I found on the net a clever way to make a lipstick you can move up.

Retour des cartes anniversaire "sac à main"
avec de nouveaux accessoires comme
le flacon de vernis, le rouge à lèvres et le
trousseau de clefs

Now that I have a LOT of sequins, easy to make a bracelet Soline may borrow from her mother.

Mon nouvel assortiment de sequins achetés à Lunéville m'a permis de confectionner un bracelet que Soline pourra emprunter à sa mère.

I cut some keys in my images magazine and make key rings with a fabric tag and a small plastic cake.

Next will be March cards (DD2 and SiL3)  have to get a cat and a fantaisy design on them...

Tricot / Knitting

From gift received to gift offered... the BOO cover. It's knitted from the white wool of an old crocheted shawl my sister made for me and will become a gift for DD3 after buying more colors and knit a total of 324 squares.

The updated score is now 318 , and I've got a picture!


Couverture tricotée BOO, nous approchons du grand final avec 318/324 carrés.

Cross stitching / Point de croix

First, I'll give some news of the gifts I received visiting my cousine last December. Here is the small teapot I started during our holidays to show cross stitching to Soline.

My unicorn is great too, but I have made a mistake on the paw so some frogging to do.

I va me falloir pénéloper pour rectifier l'erreur de comptage de points sur la patte de ma licorne.

One more project has been added to my list, for the birth of a new baby in next May I have bought a kit of Zazobouzi. It's called the story bundle.
I have chosen the theme "the forest animals".
I only started to cut the fabric for the back
and the small pockets.

I have also found a bib I can stitch in my stash.  DD3 gave me the idea of stitching some words on it, maybe "j'ai faim" (I'm hungry) or "à table".

I had to found an alphabet for the two capital letters and a small food pattern in my encyclopedia.

I started stitching around the capital letters with some purple thread.

My SiL1 sister had had a baby this month, Capucine asked to stitch again with me, so we chose a cute dog shape (paper poetry from Rico) and she stitched his firstname  ETHAN  to make a small ornament.

( For a Mum of 3 double (hyphenated) firstname daughters !!DH wish!!
I must agree that short names are so easier to stitch! ).

Felt / Feutrine   -  la plage / the seashore       pour/for  Soline

I posted about the flamingo on the 10th and am still working on the palmtree and the fish.

4 commentaires:

  1. It's always so much fun to visit your blog! Now that I have a granddaughter I have turned on that creative gene and will think about making some things like you do for her. The purse with the cosmetics inside is genius...they must love visiting with you! Your stitching is so pretty too, that little tea pot is my favorite! I love all your creations!

  2. You are so very creative! I alwsys enjoy seeing the lovely little things you make.

  3. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Love the handbags and their contents. The Boo blanket is looking amazing now it is almost finished. Sweet teapot stitching too.
    Serendipitous Jo

  4. Soooooooooo cute. Your purse cards are truly adorable. No one in my circle gives cards anymore. Even Christmas Cards have become absent. Also really like your little tea pot. It's very sweet looking. Keep up the good work and stitch away.
