dimanche 26 février 2023


Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

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Point de croix / Cross stitching

Due to the eyes surgery, I prefer those days to work on Aïda on a bib I'm stitching for a baby. 

Tricot / Knitting  -  BOO cover

Only 2 squares left  -   Je suis à deux carrés du score final.

Feutrine / Felt

My seashore in progress is going well, I have now : a flamingo, a palmtree, some fish and one little more problem.

As I was showing the tree to DD1 last Wednesday, Capucine (6 years and an half) asked her mum for a private talk. She kind of complained that I was spending a lot of time on Soline's gifts! Her Mum advised her that she could ask for a birthday gift I could make for next June.

I heard her and tried to comfort her by proposing her to choose what she wanted me to make. Only a few seconds later, she said "a desert play ". We were quite surprised, her Mum tried to suggest she moved on a vegetable garden, but her decision was made! No idea where that came from!

Nanny never turns down a challenge! I have already make a caravane of camels so I already got a great pattern from Nadine Lafitte and we agreed that I could add different cactus, more animals on a sand color ground.

That's how a new project is completing my list!

I started drawing on Thursday, cut a pattern on Friday and here I am

Seashore animals and tree will be shown on next FFG.

Jeu / Game    (Aquarelle/Watercolor -   )

To end this post, let's make a great announcement :

The start of my 5th edition of the Tour de France!

On March 1st, all will be explain : the 2023 theme, when will it start (probably on March 7th), days of posting.

I hope you'll join me on this travel around France, discovering new towns and as always, DIY related to the topic.

Measi's February topic :  What SALs are you participating in this year?

Jo from Serendipitous Stitching  's  SALs : the People's choice and Gifted Gorgeousness.

The Fully Finished Gallery hosted by Rachel!

2 commentaires:

  1. Pretty bib and interesting future project request. See you on the 1st March :-))

  2. How lovely that the grandchildren all want your creations! A desert story sounds most interesting. I look forward to seeing your camels and maybe an oasis?
    Serendipitous Jo
