samedi 4 février 2023


First Saturday of February means that I'd like to post about a topic chosen by our stitching friends. This SAL is run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, it's about what you want to see on the blog.

"Way with words"

Let start with foreigner languages...

I stitched Italian for the first time!

The Cuore e Batticuore pattern is given with 3 languages : French, English and Italian. I chose to keep them all, English was best on the banner and on the tree trunk, the title will be in French so here is the small sign hanging on the branch saying it's the nap time!

I stitched years ago this "Grusse aus Tyrol" with the ß (alt+0223) esztt

Some English now...

Cela ne vous ferait pas penser à quelqu'une ?
It reminds me of someone...



Une petite déclaration humoristique de grands parents

Trois anciennes compositions sur le thème des clefs
la clé de sol
la clé de l'énigme
prendre la clé des champs

Old WIPs on the key theme (the treble clef,  "take the key of the fields" -= go away, the key of the enigma)

A long time I didn't use a shoehorn...   the signs on the bottom are...
shorthand I learned in school, count as words!

Pour une énigme quoi de mieux qu'un message secret écrit en sténographie

A stitcher pun : Broadway sounding like brod-way
(broder : embroider)

Some others C e B  patterns : ice skating and Halloween

Soleil en haubans dans le couchant
Marin prépare ton caban...   et Automne 

Mot à mot...

quelques prénoms...  en tricotin  Camille sur une écharpe
First names... stitched or made with "tricotin"   Camille on a scarf

Enzo   carte de naissance brodée                  Timothé

bien sûr un anniversaire très spécial
someone who had a very special birthday post!

Une petite série sur Noël, calendrier de l'avent et diverses déco
Christmas themed stitchings.

Tout finit toujours en chansons,
Let finish with songs : "le temps des cerises" J-B  Clément 1866

this song is later associated with Paris Commune
and become a revotutionary song "Time of Cherries"

and "Dansons la capucine"   J-B  Clément  1868
dédicace pour ma petite fille Capucine
une ronde 

"L'amitié se brode avec un fil solide"
meaning something like : friendship is stitched with a strong thread.

1 commentaire:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People’s Choice this month. Of course you are multi lingual and have stitched so many words in so many languages! Including both our names.
    Serendipitous Jo
